Thursday, February 26, 2015

Just a Little "Intensity Heads Up"

It's apparent that things are just plain too intense on Planet Earth at the moment, but the tension and edge don't appear to let up all that much for the next six weeks.

We're closing in on the seventh and final square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact March 16. This is the first square of the series where both planets are moving direct, and the velocity with which things are moving and changing could make one's head spin.

We're blowing some major Piscean-era karma - personal and/or collective - out of the way here, and it may be a bit of a bumpy ride. We're advancing beyond old siren songs, mirages, illusions, disappointments, and old-era traps, and only Uranus and Pluto moving full speed direct into this final square in the cardinal signs could provide the energy and catalytic forward-ho we need to get this job done.

These themes are carried right through March equinox and the 29-degree Pisces New Moon total solar eclipse on March 20 and into the following 28-day lunar cycle. Pace yourselves.

Expect particular turbulence between March 4 and March 11, with a Virgo Full Moon at 14 degrees on March 5.

Relationship-related planets Venus and Mars are breaking new trail in feisty, hot-blooded Aries. We've gotten a taste of the fresh relational territory within our grasp, and nothing can stand in our way now but ourselves.

Jupiter Rx in Leo forms a fiery trine to Uranus in Aries on March 3 (6:25 a.m. CST), and we are creating the new forms as we go. 

Love planet Venus in Aries will trine Jupiter Rx in Leo on March 4 before forming a conjunction to Uranus in Aries and a square to Pluto in Capricorn later that day. We're being propelled beyond the draining Piscean-era relational constructs and dynamics and re-positioned in relationships of all kinds for new-era success. But we have to be willing to fight for it. We have to be willing to settle for nothing less. We have to channel the warrior spirit here and stand up for ourselves in relation to others whenever necessary. Any turbulence experienced around the time of these Venus aspects is related to this process of endings and beginnings all rolled up in one. Stand back from any relational turbulence, allow the detritus to be spun off, and don't take it personally. Just keep moving toward the relationship dynamics you wish to experience.

Action and goal-related planet Mars follows Venus into the same aspects on March 10/11. Mars in Aries will trine Jupiter Rx in Leo early on March 10 (12:04 a.m.), providing a burst of energy and motion. If you're pissed off, use that anger as fuel to move you out of the same old crappy dynamics, beyond their reach.

Mars will then rub up against the Uranus-Pluto square, forming a conjunction to Uranus and a square to Pluto on March 11, and this could create some friction. Changes in direction, desires, and goals can be expected around this time.

Communication planet Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow at 17 degrees Aquarius on March 3, as well. Expect the messages of the Mercury retrograde period to become clearer now. Final bits of information and perspective about the way forward from here are coming together during the first days of March.

The extended stay of Mercury in Aquarius, disposited by Uranus in Aries, has been a bit intense. Mercury will move into the slippery sign of its detriment, Pisces, on March 12 (9:52 p.m.), and I have a feeling that even the confusion and brain fog associated with Mercury in Pisces may be welcome as a reprieve from highly-cerebral Aquarius. Mercury in Pisces certainly softens the edges a bit, if nothing else.

With Saturn stationing retrograde in Sagittarius, remember: Breathe. Meditate. Be philosophical about it all. Allow the mystery and magic of the big picture to take over. Step aside. Sit it out. Allow the intensity and hub-bub to pass you by whenever necessary. There is wisdom in slowing down and in allowing nature and the universe to take care of themselves.


Jason said...

Haha a toast to all the future Mercury In Pisceans- another round of slippery roads ahead. Maybe Mercury Passing by mine will increase my mental sanity. Who knows, fingers crossed..But foreal all therapists aside. It will be tough getting around, since now everyone is getting around how I usually get around, which is Novreywhere - its a Mercury Pisces thang. :)

To 7 more YEARS.

Lea said...

Receiving here. Thank goodness! How I count on hearing from you. Glad they (your other patrons) figured out there was a problem and are finding the solution. Happy March 2015. Here in Ohio we are all DONE done with winter, whether it is done with us or not yet! :(

Willow said...

So glad to hear that, Lea!

And we are DONE with winter here, too. They are calling for above average temps by the end of the week and for the following week, so fingers crossed! Hope spring is soon on its way in Ohio, too. This one wasn't as bad as the past few, but still...we're ready for spring.