Photo: Willow
Renegade Heifer Photography
Renegade Heifer Photography
To understand the context of the months ahead, I encourage readers to review this article sent out to patrons in February 2015: Saturn Retrograde: the Final Resolution of Old Heartbreaks, Hurts, and Unfinished Business
The article outlines the connection between the current Saturn retrograde, now making a final dip into deep, dark, sometimes-disturbing Scorpio, and the new love, relationship, and money cycle we're entering, indicated by the Venus retrograde in early Virgo and Leo from July 25 to September 5.
Our successful advancement this summer and for the next eight years in the realms of love, relationship, and money is intricately tied to the successful completion and resolution of the Saturn in Scorpio transit. Setting underlying emotional, psychological, energetic, and power-based foundations straight this summer is key, and this will take more effort and more time on our parts. If something is unsatisfactory, now is the time to work it up to the surface. If something doesn't feel quite right, now is the time to work on it.
Impatiently jumping into new situations for short-term gratification will not be rewarded with hardass taskmaster Saturn so strongly involved in the proceedings. Keen strategizing must be employed.
Once we have done all we can do personally with a particular situation, sitting back and allowing things to unfold organically without interference will clear the way in many cases.
Love and money planet Venus just entered its retrograde shadow at 14-degrees Leo at solstice, June 21, and is now in range of the first of three conjunctions to luck, benefit, and expansion planet Jupiter in Leo (exact July 1). We’ve entered a very passionate summer season in the northern hemisphere (winter season in the southern) when emotions will be running high. Things get more spicy and meaty in relationships (both personal and professional) now that we are in the territory to which Venus will be returning during the retrograde, and the potency is ramped up even further under the Venus-Jupiter conjunction at 21 degrees Leo on July 1. Things start to break open here into a beautiful new spectrum.
This is an excerpt from the article, "A New Love, Relationship, and Money Cycle Begins With Venus in Leo…But First That Unfinished Scorpy Business." It is available in its entirety to Willow's Web Astrology patrons.