Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Hallowe'en!

Happy Hallowe'en to all you spooks and sprites, witches and ghouls! Here is a little pictorial of some of the truly inspired displays of Hallowe'en spirit in my neighbourhood. I hope you all have a marvelously mischievous time tonight!


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mercury Goes Retrograde in Scorpio Conjunct Venus on All Hallow’s Eve: A Deep Dive into the Mental Netherworld

What follows is an excerpt from the 5,000-word article, "Mercury Goes Retrograde in Scorpio Conjunct Venus on All Hallow’s Eve: a Deep Dive into the Mental Netherworld," that is available in its entirety to Willow's Web Astrology patrons

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- Mercury in Scorpio: October 3 to December 9, 2019  -


- Mercury retrograde: October 31 to November 20 from 27 degrees to 11 degrees Scorpio -   


As We Enter the Dark Half…


We’ve just entered Scorpio season, as the Sun moved into the sign of sex, death, regeneration, healing, secrets, research, and power on October 23 at 10:20 a.m. PDT.  

The Sun and Moon come together in exact conjunction at 4 degrees Scorpio on October 27 (8:38 p.m.), marking a New Moon that drops the bottom out in certain ways. The Scorpio New Moon falls in exact opposition to Uranus Rx in Taurus, and this adds a wild card element to the following lunar cycle, which spans from October 27 to November 26. Emotional shocks, changes, or surprises are on the docket that we must gradually integrate into our psyches. Emotional intelligence is a huge boon for this lunar cycle, as is an already well-developed understanding of what lies beneath the surface.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Pluto Stationing Direct in Capricorn Conjunct Saturn and Resisting Everyday Fascism

Lord of the Underworld Pluto stations direct at 20 degrees Capricorn on October 2 (11:39 p.m. PDT) within a conjunction to Cosmic Daddy Saturn, and patriarchal bureaucratic hierarchy's got us down!

Even recognizing the invisible, top-down, coercive hand of Everyday Fascism in the functioning of mainstream society is challenging and exhausting, let alone resisting it while using our own steely wills to chart a different course.

But recognizing and resisting this Everyday Fascism and then choosing a different course through our daily lives is exactly the challenge that has been laid at our feet under the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (exact in January 2020).

The rigid, artificial rhythms for daily work and life that have been set out for us are internalized by most at a very young age. We're born into it. This is just "what's normal." It's "what's done." It's "the way things are."

The Machine tells us: when to wake up, when to eat or drink, when to get in our cars or on our buses or trains, when to start work, when to stop work, when to take a 15-minute break from work, when to speak (and what to say), when not to speak (and what not to say), when to take a piss, when to pay our bills, when to take our allotted leisure time, when to be entertained, when to have sex, when to go to sleep. Then rinse and repeat.

Above all, The Machine tells us: faster, faster! More slick! More efficient! More impressive! Just more!

Can't rest. Can't slow down. Can't re-direct. Can't stop. Can't show signs of weakness with the wolves at our doors.