Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Moon in Libra As We Complete the First Leg of Saturn in Libra

Our Libra New Moon on Thursday, October 7 at 14 degrees (1:44 p.m. CDT) happens loosely conjunct Saturn in Libra as Venus, almost stopped in the zodiac, stations retrograde in Scorpio. Things are getting serious. There's a pervasive feeling that if we don't get on top of this relationship stuff now, we miss a major opportunity, one that might not come around again.

Mercury in Libra is coming up on a conjunction to Saturn at the time of the New Moon (exact at 6:35 a.m. CDT October 8), and our communication skills are highlighted as the key to further progress in the ongoing restructuring and rebalancing of partnerships of all kinds.

This is the energy work we're doing for the planet now through our interpersonal relations - and this is why there is such a serious tone to all this Libra rebalancing of yin and yang. The energetic imbalance on Planet Earth between men and women and between the masculine and feminine (internally and externally) is reaching the point of no return. The influence of Saturn in Libra challenges us to dig in here and commit to finishing the job with even the thorniest and most trigger-happy of issues, if for no other reason than we have to. The continuation of humanity on this planet hinges on it. No joke.

Saturn most definitely has its work cut out for it in this sign.

In a society of easy come, easy go, quick-fix divorces and leaving partners in all sorts of bunged up emotional heaps, emotional responsibility in relationship is something many people aren't even aware is required, let alone practise in their own lives and relationships. We become oh-so-aware of the lasting emotional/psychological damage and trauma (and the effects of it collectively/globally) caused by this irresponsibility as stationing Venus, Eros and Mars transit Scorpio and we start to untangle, repair and heal. We mess each other up and get messed up in a lot of ways before we're conscious of what we're doing in relationship. With Venus, Eros, Mars and soon Vesta in Scorpio, we have the opportunity to become aware on very subtle levels so that we can completely rework and repattern our relational dynamics and energetic exchanges. There's really no excuse for going forward unconscious from this point on.

The Moon in Libra conjuncts both Mercury and Saturn Thursday morning prior to the New Moon as it completes its Dark of the Moon phase. This indicates unfinished emotional business that needs to be spoken about before we can unfold into the new relating and relationships indicated by this New Moon. Within the Dark of the Moon phase in Libra, we're challenged to balance the inner stillness required to close this cycle with the required communication and relating with others that will be stirred and impelled.

Mercury conjunct Saturn in Libra with dispositing Venus in Scorpio indicates that the conversations could be more difficult than lovely Libra would like. But the overlay of Venus in Scorpio will not waver from its path of uncovering core relationship realities, especially underlying and previously unspoken energetic ones. Finding the words to do our situations justice, to speak the authentic truth from our positions, especially if coming from a subtly disempowered or subjugated one, is a tight process. Then, on top of finding the right words, we're challenged to keep them palatable enough for others to receive and swallow. There is a masterful responsibility required now in our choice and use of words as well as in our unspoken communication.

At the same time, we're required to go right to the core of the matter with Vesta, Venus, Mars and Eros in Scorpio while not irresponsibly spilling our emotional processes all over other people. Knowing what to share and what to keep to ourselves for internal processing - and at the same time, not allowing triggered people to dump their stuff all over us. There will be a lot of that going on in people who have not-so-responsibly kept up with the Scorpionic processes thus far.

At the New Moon, we have a window of time, a newly emerging portal, to enter a more mutually respectful, responsible and honest way of relating. It's a delicate beginning, as New Moons generally are, and it will take some effort (Saturn) to get it cemented into our relationship foundations. But with the influence of Saturn, the opportunity to build a more just way of relating and exchanging energy into our relationship foundations is certainly there, with Mercury holding the hammer and the nails.

An exciting aspect of this New Moon is that we have just about completed the first leg (or 10 degree decan) of Saturn in Libra. The territory we covered this past summer with Saturn in cardinal t-square position has been cemented into place, and there's no going back. Saturn has initiated big long-term progress since re-entering Libra July 21, and we've been veritably zooming through the first decan of Libra - as much as Saturn can zoom, that is.

Saturn completes this first decan and enters the degrees of its retrograde shadow October 22 at 10 degrees Libra, and at that point, we're in territory we'll be going back over so as to restructure and solidify. Saturn retrogrades January 26 to June 12 from 17 to 10 degrees Libra.

Now comes the more plodding and sometimes arduous movement of Saturn - more of the energy we're traditionally used to with this planet - without the potent initiatory impetus of the cardinal t-squares.

The Sabian Symbol for the Libra New Moon is Circular Paths. This is apropos considering our deep Venus-Mars-Eros in Scorpio work at this tail-end Piscean era. We're being drawn back into the etheric imprints of relationships past (where did this all begin, anyway?), often through the people in our lives. Dating some ghosts.

I think this New Moon gives us the opportunity to take a new path, out of the circular maze that brings us right back to where we started. But only if we accept and successfully complete the challenges related to the new path - staying conscious every step of the way, humbly receiving guidance from our higher power/intelligence, and then doing what we know is right, even when it's the more difficult emotional path, even when we're being compelled to take the familiar karmic loop.

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