Wednesday, July 20, 2022

VIDEO - Black Moon Lilith and Empowerment Through the Embracing of 'Outsider Status'



Bitchute Link to Video


Associated articles:

The Diminishing and Marginalization of "Those Types" of Astrologers Within the Astrology Establishment


The Push for Standardized Astrological Education As a Pluto in Capricorn-Era Control Mechanism


Mercury-Black Moon Lilith Contacts, Censorship, and Reporting From the Fringes


All Willow's Web Astrology articles on Black Moon Lilith 



Staci said...

Fascinating! I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and expertise. Your words are powerful.

With Pluto 27Vir, Lilith 26Vir, and BML at 28Vir in the 10th house trine Sun 29Taur and Saturn 27Taur in the sixth house, do you have any advice for me? is there a way to bring more consciousness/awareness to these aspects and experiences? Sometimes I feel like every career/work experience is just another nuclear event in the making.

Willow said...

Thank you, Staci!

WOW! That is some powerful stuff in your chart. Those are complex dynamics, so I can't do them much justice off the top of my head, but yes - you're basically coming into work situations to correct/address systemic dysfunction, abuses of power (including subtle ones), and especially the expectation that women will always fall into the support role, the service role, and pick up the slack for others without any real recognition or compensation, etc.

With that potent Pluto placement, the point that balances things out is the polarity point, which is late Pisces. Basically, you have to keep in mind that you're there in a role of spiritual service. You're addressing systemic dysfunction that people have been suffering under (often invisibly) for generations. So understand that your position is dicey and very charged at times...but it's purposeful, and it's guided. Tap into the bigger spiritual picture, and get clear on your own spiritual guidance in precise and specific ways, applied in the current moment.

Do only what's absolutely necessary (no self-sacrifice or martyr stuff), and do it matter-of-factly. Get in and get out as quickly and smoothly as possible. If you notice people are getting disturbed or triggered, move yourself out of the situation to a safe distance until things have settled back down.

Anonymous said...

What an eye opener this talk of yours was. And struck such a deep chord.
Unlike you I have not been graced with the right verbal skills and objectivity to use as a tool the way you have.
This morning I could barely get out of bed.
I marvel at your skills to put into words that which makes me want to vomit. I have profound difficulty in accepting the status quo that we live in today! That there are certain truths that to dare utter publicly can get one imprisoned ! Such as a 93 year old lady who dared to question publicly a widely enforced historical LIE! She is in prison ! Ursula Haverbeck is her name.
(The greatest taboo that exists in western world today. ) You will never guess.. :(
I had the "misfortune" of accidentally uncovering for myself the true facts some years ago, and it took a further 2 years of reading research to come to terms with it. It turned my life upside down. I have BLM in 10th square Merc. It is conj Chiron (PAIN) and both are opp Uranus.I am Scorpio Sun & Merc and very much outsider. Suffer in silence stifled scream. And that is to say nothing of todays horror show. (you will never guess who really owns big pharma and banking and media etc today. O M F G . ( Feel free not to publish but I just feel a certain relief of pressure just to tell this ! I'm sure you understand!!)

Anonymous said...

PS I AM SO GRATEFUL for people like you. You have no idea what a soul comfort and RELIEF it is to read astrology from a person like you who can stand in their own power and tell truths!!!!

Willow said...

I recently learned that art produced by self-taught artists, outside the established art schools and art scenes, is often referred to as 'outsider art.' So I guess my practise of astrology is 'outsider healing arts.' 🙂

"As a classification of art, “Outsider Art” had its beginnings in the 1940s when French artist Jean Dubuffet began a collection of works by artists who were not part of the conventional art scene of the time. Dedicating their lives to artistic expression, these artists often worked from a solitary and authentic point of view, and were little influenced by societal pressures such as the art market, peer competition, or dominant artistic trends. It was British art historian Roger Cardinal who, in 1972, coined the term “Outsider Art”."