Sunday, May 3, 2020

My Most Pilfered and Ripped-Off Article of All Time From 2009! The Vilification of Virgoan Analysis and Scorpionic Intuition Within the New Age Meme Complex

Copyright © 2008-2020 Willow's Web Astrology. 

What follows is a re-post of an article I wrote and published in June 2009 that has the dubious honour of being the most pilfered and ripped-off article I've ever written! It comes from a series of articles I did on deconstructing the New Age meme complex. These are a couple others from the same time period in 2009:

From April 21, 2009: Saturn in Virgo Calls Bullshit on The Secret/Law of Attraction Phenomenon

From May 29, 2009: New Age Solipsism 

You can see all Willow's Web Astrology articles on Deconstructing the New Age Meme Complex here.

Also see Dark Moon Podcast #3 - Deconstructing the Cult Mind and Pyramid Scheme Power

I've seen the article I'm re-posting here regurgitated and passed off by unscrupulous individuals more than once now. Beware the New Agers who try to pass themselves off as New Age critics. (Their softball attempts at reforming a poisonous mind and spiritual control mechanism, all while regurgitating New Age 101 ideology, certainly give them away.) The most recent time I saw the article regurgitated was by a fan of Hitler. It's funny this person is against New Age, since Hitler was a big fan of it. Spiritual supremacy and racial supremacy are one and the same.

Because I don't have a smoking gun (unlike other times I've been plagiarized like this and this), I can't name these people, but lets just say they're shameless in ripping off other people's work and passing it off as their own. Even more repugnant to me is the fact that I do not support or agree with the ideas spewing from any of the sources that have used my work without permission or attribution.

There are a lot of snaky fucks out there. That might be the biggest understatement you've ever read. To help expose them, I follow this New Age deconstruction article with a more recent article on how to spot controlled opposition. That article will quite likely be co-opted by controlled opposition dipshits, as well, but I hope people with good character can use it to nullify the power and influence of these unethical individuals and groups, with which the current intellectual, spiritual, and political spheres are, unfortunately, rife. 

An original Willow's Web Astrology article from June 1, 2009, The Vilification of Virgoan Analysis and Scorpionic Intuition Within the New Age Meme Complex

"Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense."

- From 1984 by George Orwell

The last post on New Age solipsism got me thinking about how important both Virgoan analysis and Scorpionic intuition are, especially these days, in determining real from fake. It also got me thinking about how both those things are vilified in much of the New Age ideology of the day.

The manipulation of the people has very much gone to the embedded stage. The trick of the day is to mix a grain of truth with a little trend-a-licious language and imagery along with a whole lot of garbage designed to achieve certain hidden, control-based motives - and hope people swallow it whole.

Current world governments are setting up embedded police/military forces. Just think about that for a moment. People embedded in daily society who appear to be regular citizens who are actually members of the police or military. Imagine the effect of this on our communities.

In the same way, I feel that the people are being coerced with embedded pseudo-spiritual ideologies.

I know this starts to sound a little kooky for some people, but it's not really.

It's the idea of certain ideologies, catch phrases, and ways of thinking catching on like wildfire in a population. We must examine the root reasons certain ideologies spread so rampantly in this way (virally), as well as the effects those ideologies have on the individual and the collective society. .

Although I'm not a Richard Dawkins fan (strong non-fan, actually), he coined the term 'meme' for this phenomenon.

Meme: a cultural item that is transmitted by repetition in a manner analogous to the biological transmission of genes, especially with the connotation that memes parasitize people into propagating them, much as viruses do.

The term 'meme complex' denotes a group of mutually-supporting memes that form an organized belief system.

I see the New Age movement as a meme complex.

To me, this concept explains very well how the ideas of the New Age are spread. Think of the rampant spread of the ideology of The Secret, for example, and how people felt a compulsion to aggressively (and/or passive aggressively) proselytize and spread those ideas to the people around them. They did so and continue to do so to a nauseating extent.

The constant promotion of certain New Age ideas by its proponents - all while often denying doing so - is an example of how these memes are spread in the population. Examples: "creating abundance," "creating your own reality," "all part of the divine plan," "love and light," "oneness," "moving to a new dimension," "density," "enlightenment," "transcendence," the concept of spiritual hierarchy leading to ascended master consciousness, etc.

People are often parasitized by these ideas/memes without even knowing it. Their speech is peppered with this stuff, or sometimes just a few words sneak in, but the energy of it is the same. The fact that people promote it often without recognizing they're doing it - or at the very least denying they are doing it - shows the level to which it has been embedded.

A lot of New Age people I've come across use very sneaky and subtle proselytizing techniques. They start off with seemingly benign chit-chat and then subtly start pushing their beliefs, throwing in a few key concepts. Because they're not doing it out in the open, it's easier for the meme to spread. People feel its all very innocuous.

But I believe the effects of these New Age memes on the individual and, therefore, on our societies, are far from innocuous.

The words often say one thing, seemingly benign on the surface, but ultimately mean another. Elements and applications of New Age ideology are being used manipulatively, in damaging ways, and are taking hold along with the seemingly more light-hearted aspects.

The end result of people adopting these ideas is a largely complacent, docile, navel-gazing population ignorant of much of anything that hasn't been prescribed on their journey up the (false) enlightenment ladder.

It's bizarre to me that people speak as if they are reading straight out of a New Age 101 textbook, but they claim they are not New Age. They repeat the same beliefs, the same idioms, quote the same gurus, use the same tactics but claim no connection.

If there really is no connection, how can I tell within seconds that someone is coming from this ideology, no matter how sneaky the person is? Once you can energetically pick up on the influence of these New Age ideologies, there is no doubt.

So perhaps "New Age" is an old term, one easily denied by those who sense critique? Maybe we need a new term for this meme complex.

Either the proponents of these ideas are denying the roots or they really don't know what they're promoting. In either case, most haven't examined the sociological effect of what they're promoting, and this is unnerving.

To me, the prevailing New Age meme complex is an overriding mindset that promotes complacency (misusing the terms "acceptance," "tolerance," "surrender," "all part of the divine plan"), along with sociopolitical ignorance, lack of personal responsibility/action, and solipsism (nothing exists outside yourself), where every social ill is linked back to the individual's own negative thinking, personal impurities, or belief system. Every social ill, people are told, can be solved with internal self-examination, meditation, and "spiritual" practises prescribed to them.

Everything is considered subjective and beyond personal judgement, even the idea of right and wrong.

Everything can be explained away with this mindset - murder, theft, rape, destruction of people's homes and businesses. People are taught that they do not have the right to judge these things. They are taught to give up their own personal discernment and values in favour of the "divine order."

People are taught that nothing exists outside themselves, and that, therefore, there is no external accountability for actions, even from public officials. Everything is in the hands of the "higher power," which they already are or can become by submitting to the hierarchical process of "enlightenment."

The ideology goes that there is a spiritual hierarchy that each individual is striving to climb on his or her way to achieving "ascended master" consciousness. (IE. Buddha, Jesus, etc.) Immense amounts of time and energy are put into climbing this supposed enlightenment ladder, all focused on the individual achieving "enlightenment," which is determined by those who are already considered at the top of that hierarchy.

There are endless books, lectures, workshops, retreats, sessions, fasts, cleanses, purification rituals, diets, programs, all intended to keep the individual focusing strictly on him or herself. There is also a strong element of playing people off each other, activating the spiritual ego about who is more or less "enlightened." It's a race to the finish line.

"Guru" human beings who have supposedly reached the highest levels of this enlightenment ladder are set up as models by which those on a lower rung should pattern their lives.

And again, the language of it seems innocuous at first to the untrained ear. (As does, for example, world leaders calling for a new world order.)

Tolerance, acceptance, love and light? Who could be against these things?

But here is the subtext, the double-speak. Here is where the combination of Virgo and Scorpio are necessary to weed out the real from the fake, to pick up on the underlying message and energy, and to identify and eliminate the embedded poison before it is swallowed.

There is the message and then there is the effect and application of that message. Here is where the ideological thrust of the New Age movement gets less innocuous.

When you strip away the fuzzy language, the effect is this: 

People are taught to adhere to moral relativism - that reality is completely subjective, all in how you look at things. People are taught that acceptance of all things is the way to go, including those things generally considered personally or socially unacceptable, because the individual has no right to declare what is right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable. They are told they do not understand the divine order of things (only those "higher up" do) but can calm themselves with the understanding that it is "all part of the divine plan." This goes to the extent that mass murder committed by the state is considered to be all part of the divine plan. 

Nothing exists "outside" the individual, so all events are linked back to the individual. If "darkness" is experienced, it is because the individual is a negative thinker or holds a negative belief system and is attracting this "negativity." This often creates a huge amount of guilt and an eroding belief that there is something wrong with the individual, that he/she is energetically dirty, etc. Because of this all-encompassing link to the individual, all ills, people are taught, can be solved with internal focus. There is a lack of holding anyone external accountable for his or her actions because, they are taught, there is no "external." This also relates to the state and relieves the individual of any requirement of political or sociological awareness or action. There is a lack of any personal responsibility or concern for collective circumstances. 

There is constant, unbalanced positivity-pushing, an "if you don't look at it, it doesn't exist" ethic.

All questions are answered with the same meaningless, solipsistic idioms.

An endless focus on spiritual materialism, philosophical tail-chasing, and internalized navel-gazing related to the goals of climbing the personal enlightenment ladder is encouraged, fueling already off-the-charts levels of narcissism within this group of people. (Wank, wank, wank.)

People are encouraged to drop/"purify" their egos and personal wills, as well as any personal values that are not aligned with New Age values. Those values, they are told, are from a "lower consciousness." Also sometimes referred to as a "lower dimension," "lower vibration" or "density."

Anything that doesn't fit the meme complex, people are told, is from that "lower consciousness" and is looked upon distastefully.

There is overriding pressure to conform to the ideas of the group - misusing Piscean "oneness" to mean homogenity. New Age adherents are taught that it is inevitable that, with enough exposure to their "universal truths," everyone on Earth will come to the same understanding of things that they have, which, they are taught, is simply "increased consciousness," not a belief system or ideology. There is pressure to envelop the traditional religions into the New Age "oneness consciousness," also sometimes referred to as One World Religion. This New Age "oneness consciousness" is, again, believed by adherents to be the inevitable progression of human consciousness on Planet Earth.

Reinforced separation from non-adherents is built right into the system. This goes along with the playing on the hierarchical spiritual ego: the idea that New Agers are special and of a higher consciousness level than the rest of the people on Earth. New Agers are taught that the people who refuse to "see the truth" are in a different dimension of consciousness from the one(s) they inhabit, and that the dimensional divide is so strong that eventually they will not even be able to physically perceive these people.

This reinforces the "enlightened/unenlightened" divide and fuels more bubble-dwelling solipsism and lack of care for fellow human beings. It's also a big boon for murderous world governments when people divide themselves along "consciousness" lines and stop believing they even inhabit the same "dimension" as people who are less privileged. Because it is only the so-called enlightened who know how to "manifest abundance" (wealth), the poor are blamed for their poverty and difficult circumstances with no understanding or consideration of the class-related power dynamics - intentionally reinforced to benefit the few over the many - on this planet. More of the "if I don't look at it, it doesn't exist" ideology.

There is a great deal of reinforced sociopolitical ignorance within this ideology, as New Agers are often taught that they are in a "different dimension" from war, suffering, injustice, politics, etc. Because they have "transcended" these distasteful aspects of life on Earth, they have no personal responsibility for social or political awareness or action.

The constantly reinforced ideas of "transcendence" further the ungrounded separation from the requirements of physical life on Earth. Those requirements (including those of inhabiting a human body) are often looked upon as "unenlightened throwbacks," simply as things that need to be pushed beyond, rather than heeded.

Virgoan skills such as critical analysis, personal discernment, personal preference, judgement and rejection of what is not meaningful, necessary, or acceptable for the individual are all looked at suspiciously and are quite often given a negative spin. Here, within the context of the tail-end astrological Piscean Age, there is an imbalanced glorification of and push for Piscean qualities (tolerance, acceptance, surrender to a higher power, going with the flow, love and light, etc).

So much easier to pull the wool over your eyes, my dear!

In reality, Virgo energy has never been more necessary to balance the excesses of tail-end Pisces.

Scorpionic intuition is also vilified quite often by those in the New Age but is very necessary to skillfully determine what is really going on. Scorpio is aware of extremes, both ends of the spectrum - light and dark, yin and yang, negative and positive, and of the trickery and ruthlessness that is used along that spectrum. The consciousness represented by Scorpio relates to things most people would prefer not to look at and/or deny altogther (which the New Age consistently does). Scorpio can't pretend or look the other way. When it feels that something isn't right, something isn't right. It has to penetrate to the core of what is going on and remove detrimental influences.

Scorpio intuitively feels things like dishonesty, lack of integrity, motivations, abusiveness, attempts at subjugation/domination and coercion.

This intuitive understanding is, again, generally written off within New Age circles as "negative" under the imbalanced Piscean umbrella of, "Everything is acceptable. Be open to everything."

Scorpio is aware of both the surface appearance and what is going on underneath (hidden influence and motivations), and the proper use of its intuition is crucial.

But any form of critique or exploration of motivations is written off by the New Age movement as the "negative perceptions" of the individual. Or the (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) perceptions of a less enlightened individual who just "isn't there yet." The individual's intuitive skills/personal perceptions are often vilified by those in the New Age. "You need to check/align your perceptions," they are told by the New Age proponent. All in an attempt to get them "on board."

Both Scorpio and Virgo, when they haven't allowed themselves to be talked out of their knowledge, can smell bullshit a mile away. These energies, well-developed, can determine real from fake. They can identify the drop of embedded poison before it is swallowed.

Skillfully used Virgo and Scorpio energies are both dangerous tools to have in the hands of people you are trying to put one over on. If your motive is dirty, Virgo and Scorpio will more than likely know it and, in combination, can generally prove it. These signs can pick up on the most subtle of vibrations. Very refined "spidey sense." Built-in bullshit detectors.

Both these energies are valuable in scenarios of embedded motives.

And again, these signs are dangerous to people with coercive, manipulative motivations. They would prefer the populace give these powers over to them, and with New Age ideology, they usually do.

This is why people using these faculties are so often attacked or written off as negative, dense, unenlightened, etc. within the New Age movement.

It's all kind of silly because both Virgo and Scorpio ARE negative. They're yin/feminine/negative signs. It's just that the current New Age paradigm equates negative with bad.

It's the perfect embedded religion to go along with that embedded police force. It's a belief system that claims no centralization. People promote the beliefs without even knowing what they are doing or of the effect these beliefs have. It's the advancement of One World Religion, and most people don't recognize it.

"Good afternoon, believers," Obama says.


Nothing is out in the open. The influence and allegiances are hidden, which is why it's crucial that we develop these very refined bullshit detecting skills and trust our own perceptions, especially when the pseudo-spiritual ideology of the day is trying to talk us out of them.

 From April 3, 2020, False Heroes, Fake Rebels, and Pseudo-Alternatives in the Astrological Aquarian Era

I'm not sure when you will be reading this - maybe it will be a few years from now or even a few decades. With Saturn now leading the grand-scale shift into the Aquarian Era, our communication has to take on a future-oriented tone. We're building toward a preferable future vision on this planet, toward a free humanity, but we don't know when this vision will be materialized.

We're under increasingly authoritarian rule on Planet Earth. They call it many things, including the New World Order, the Global Government, One World Government, Global Fascism, the Globalists, and the power elite, among others.

The groups in the pyramid caps have millions of civilian foot-soldiers doing their dirty work within human society, policing each other, ensuring that top-down protocols are being followed and that no one gets any big ideas about going beyond those protocols.

Let me try to describe the situation for you. In the year 2020, most of the human population has been mesmerized by either mainstream media or pseudo-alternative media or a combination of the two. Our communication channels are being censored and filtered, and false narratives of various kinds are dominating the public discourse.

The mind control is thick, the implanted thoughts and agendas are many, but most do not see the way their mental synapses and spiritual energy are being hijacked by people and entities who do not have their best interests at heart.

Our personal power is being hijacked by various schemes within the mainstream political realm, including one where the "White Hats" are working behind the scenes to free us all from tyranny.  Oh, but they first have to bring in tyranny (only temporarily!) in order to save us. "It's all part of the plan. We need to bring in authoritarian hyper-control of your every movement as a cover so we can swoop in behind the scenes and get rid of all the corruption. We're arresting the bad guys and gals as we speak! Be patient. Trust the plan. We have it handled."

Our spiritual power is being hijacked in various ways, as well, including by the New Age pyramid scheme and its slick proponents. "It's all part of the divine plan. It's all part of the Grand Ascension to the 5th Dimension. The mass deaths are simply the Earth shedding an old paradigm, a paradigm we made ourselves by creating our own collective reality! Raise your vibrations! Love and light! The enlightened will not be affected. The dead and dying are simply a necessary purge of old energy."

Or then we have the Christian "wait for Jesus" paradigm. "Revelations is coming true! Jesus is coming back to save us all. All you have to do is pray and be faithful and wait right where you are, and he'll take care of the rest. All true believers will be saved! Don't concern yourselves with anyone else."

We hear echoes, echoes, echoes throughout the ideological camps. Passivity, deference to "authority figures," and acceptance of the unacceptable as a "temporary necessary evil" are common denominators in these manipulative, control-based schemes.

Charismatic figureheads are being followed near-blindly straight off a cliff.

We even have controlled opposition agents "outing" controlled opposition as a way to control the discourse around controlled opposition. Oh, how meta!

Independent thought, research, and action are a rarity, though these do exist in highly-inspiring pockets. The people who know and who cannot be coerced are very powerful at this time on the planet, and this is why they are being thwarted, attacked, censored, and shut down at every possible turn, including by fellow citizens/community members.

Let me make this very clear: there is a difference between a "Truth-Teller (TM)" and a freedom-fighter. There is a difference between an "enlightened New Age guru shepherding us to the 5th dimension" and a freedom-fighter. There is a difference between a pseudo-alternative commentator or journalist and a freedom-fighter. There is a difference between a high-ranking politician and a freedom-fighter.

If their primary objective isn't to extricate and liberate humanity, body, mind, and spirit, including from them, they are most likely trying to hook you into their construct, into the scheme that is providing their elevated position and status. They may talk the talk of freedom and liberation, but watch how they walk the walk. It most often stands in stark contrast to their words.

I wrote a recent article about the parallels between the Aquarian infusion we are experiencing from 2020 to 2023 and the early years of the 1960s.

In particular, the six-planet stellium we will experience at the New Moon in Aquarius on February 20, 2021 has strong ties to a seven-planet stellium that was experienced on February 4, 1962. That Aquarius New Moon in 1962 was heralded, at the time, as the beginning of the Aquarian Age.

Between 2020 and 2023, we experience three major planetary ingresses of Aquarius: Saturn on March 21, 2020; Jupiter on December 19, 2020; and Pluto on March 23, 2023. Jupiter and Saturn will be in Aquarius during the New Moon within six-planet stellium in February 2021, just as they were in 1962. The transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius will be followed by a 20-year transit of Pluto in Aquarius (2023 - 2043). These major ingresses set the tone for an advancement of Aquarian-era themes that were initiated in the early 1960s. In many ways, looking at the themes from that decade provides us with both inspiration and a cautionary tale as we enter the 2020s.

From the February 4, 2020 article, "Parallels Between the Aquarius Stellium of February 1962 and the Aquarius Stellium of February 2021

"We are in the early years of a new decade now, as we were then, that will involve explosive social, cultural, and technological growth and change. The Aquarius stellium in 1962 included a New Moon total solar eclipse at 15 degrees Aquarius, marking a simultaneous anchoring point and launch point for the major cultural shifts experienced during the 1960s. We can view the New Moon and six-planet stellium in Aquarius in February 2021 as a similar anchoring/launching point for major cultural and societal changes in the 2020s.

Though the impulses toward and desires for better conditions for humanity were real within much of the public in the 1960s, we also saw, during that decade, a strong element of social and cultural engineering along with the infiltration and co-optation of the true counter-culture.

On the surface, people were riding the wave of the Grand Humanitarian Future being brought to us (ostensibly) through the peace-and-love hippies, the counter-cultural icons of music, art, and literature, and the grand, inspirational political speeches being broadcast into the shining eyes of television viewers.

Underneath that Grand Humanitarian Front, however, the same insidious agenda was being furthered through the same insidious power structures.

We see a strong possibility that the truly beneficial shifts associated with the new-era energy, ideas, and insights of the 2020s could be hijacked in much the same way as the true spirit of the 1960s was hijacked by hedonism (sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll), narcissism, and escapism.

Detrimental and distracting concepts, ideas, and faux "counter-cultural icons" were implanted in the culture of the 1960s (along with a raft of high-profile murders/assassinations) in order to derail the real progress being made, including with antiwar efforts and with the application of true humanitarian ideals...

[M]any of the counter-cultural icons of the 1960s were plants being utilized for distraction, diversion, and control-based purposes. These manufactured celebs took the public's attention away from antiwar efforts surrounding the Vietnam War and from the nefarious activities of the power establishment, in general, which is pretty much the entire point of celebrity culture.

We see a very similar element today, including with controlled opposition agents being held up as truth-telling, establishment-busting heroes."

As we begin the major shift into stronger Aquarian Era themes, initiated at March equinox 2020 by Saturn entering Aquarius, the public stage is absolutely thick with false heroes, fake rebels, and pseudo-alternatives set to hijack the true potential of both humanity and these times on the planet.

So many bright and inquiring minds have been sucked into the dead-end black holes of controlled opposition, gatekeepers, egotists, narcissists, and general fakes and phonies. Their minds and their spiritual energy are being hijacked. Their time on this planet is being stolen from them. The words coming from their mouths are not their own. The ideas being furthered through them are not in their best interests. Despite pure hearts and good intentions, their effectiveness is being diminished terribly by following the wrong leaders.

In the Aquarian Era, we are not meant to follow rigid, static, singular leaders. We are not meant to worship figureheads, no matter how charismatic, sexy, rich, or sophisticated. In this era, leadership is a group effort, an evolving, changing, fluid sort of thing where we share both the responsibilities and the burdens of it. A person in a position of leadership will have earned that place via exceptional talents, skills, knowledge, qualities, or ability, but this does not mean other leaders cannot step up if they, too, have earned their places at the fore.

This is a natural form of authority, an organic and alive version, and this form of Aquarian Era leadership stands in stark contrast to the authoritarian forms we're being asked to swallow today. This natural form of authority does not maintain its position through nepotism, cronyism, manipulation, coercion, trickery, force, or the ability to capitalize on a corrupt system for personal gain and acclaim.

I've seen a meme making the rounds that states: Real leaders don't create followers. They create more leaders.

I would alter that slightly to read: Real leaders don't create followers. They catalyze new leaders.

This blazing catalytic potential is being hijacked and blocked by the rigid, hierarchical leader-follower dynamics in which so many are caught up.

The Aquarian Era revolution is a leaderless revolution simply because we are all meant to be leading in whatever ways we can. We're all meant to be initiating and catalyzing action. We're all meant to be leading into a preferable future on this planet. We are not meant to be waiting for anyone's permission or go-ahead. Indeed, time is of the essence.

With Saturn in egalitarian Aquarius from March 2020 to March 2023, we are revolutionizing our relationship with authority, leadership, status, prestige, and public position. As part of this, I hope to see bloated egotists and narcissistic users being unceremoniously dethroned en masse. I hope to see the phonies being outed. I hope to see a grand-scale rejection of the mental and spiritual poison being dished out from so many glossy public platforms. I hope to see an elimination of the dependence on figureheads altogether, even well-meaning ones. I hope to see a time when terribly, terribly flawed individuals are no longer being held up as people to emulate, to admire, to hero-worship. To go further, I hope hero-worship in all forms becomes a thing of the past.

To these ends, I include this excerpt from the November 19, 2018 article, "Jupiter Square Neptune and How to Spot Controlled Opposition"

How to Spot Controlled Opposition 

1. The person or organization is famous, a household name (at least in certain circles), and/or is covered on mainstream media. This is a dead giveaway. People who have the real-deal information, who do the real-deal research and journalism, are suppressed, ostracized, mocked, isolated, and even murdered by the establishment. They do not rise to any sort of prominence within the public, especially with the assistance of mainstream media. They have to fight tooth-and-nail to get the truth out there amidst monstrous opposition. They are certainly not provided with large public platforms or mainstream media play, even if only as supposed "enemies of the state." Real whistleblowers are stepped on, intimidated, shut up, or killed. They don't hit CNN or CBC or BBC or Fox News. They don't hit VICE or Democracy Now or Dr. Oz. (Unless, that is, they are being used by the establishment as controlled opposition.)

Within the pseudo-alternative media, controlled opposition agents will often have relative fame - a relatively large public platform in the hundreds of thousands or low millions. These individuals will often seem just a little too slick or a little too rehearsed to be real people. They may have an extreme and unnatural level of charisma, and this charisma can draw people in. (The standard cult leader personality.) This type of charisma can be generated with mind control techniques, occult-based machinations, or both.

2. Limited hangouts: a controlled opposition agent will release very juicy insider information to the followers to make them believe that "someone is doing something; someone is on top of this." This is a common technique by the power establishment of "throwing people a bone." Because the agent is releasing information that the powers-that-be would not generally want released to the public, information that makes the established order look bad, the controlled opposition agent gains legitimacy in the minds of the followers. The followers trust that this person is "one of them, on the good side, playing for the right team." However, the information being released is often partial, outdated, diversionary, or of limited scope. It merely scratches the surface, never going to the real roots of the situation or calling out the real people and organizations responsible. It is often used as a "look over there!" tactic to divert attention from other areas.

Limited hangouts by controlled opposition agents have the effect of controlling dissenting discourse within the public. Followers hang on the controlled opposition agent's every word, waiting to be told what to think or what to do, never doing their own research or coming up with their own thoughts, ideas, or actions. The discourse only goes so far as the controlled opposition allows it to go. Limited hangouts are being used to great effect by Donald Trump and supposed Trump insider Q Anon, as well as by other puppet-celebrities. The public has never before experienced a high-level politician or celebrity producing such a steady stream of juicy limited hangouts, and many people are utterly mesmerized and mind controlled under the spell of it.

The reason limited hangouts are being used so extensively at this time is that the public has successfully uncovered so much of the true reality on this planet. The people have uncovered things that can't be swept back under the rug, and the power establishment must now try to take control of this information.

3. The controlled opposition agent will often have ties (past or present) to mainstream organizations, government agencies, or establishment groups. A controlled opposition agent is often a supposed dissenter who rejected some mainstream organization or industry in order to "tell people the truth." (I've personally found these types of fake rebels or critics to be common within the New Age establishment - people pretending to be edgy critics of New Age while actually being adherents of New Age ideology.) While true dissenters and whistleblowers do exist, they almost never gain large public platforms. The ultimate allegiance of a controlled opposition agent is with the establishment, and they may receive funding directly from related industries or organizations. If being an "establishment rebel" is a strong part of the person's schtick, there is reason to be suspicious.

4. The controlled opposition agent creates and reinforces a strong Figurehead-Follower power dynamic. This is a hierarchical dynamic where the Figurehead sits at the top of a pyramid scheme of power with the followers gazing up in rapt devotion. This often takes the form of the "Wise Fatherly" archetype with the controlled opposition agent being looked to as the pinnacle of wisdom and the ultimate fount of information. The Figurehead is seen as the most intelligent and most important individual in the pyramid scheme and certainly receives the most attention. Narcissistic tendencies can commonly be observed. The Figurehead must be deferred to at all times. Dissenting information is generally censored, and anyone considered a dissenter is cut out of the fold. There is no climate of intellectual equality (even though lip service may be paid to that). People often want to get closer to the Figurehead, moving up the rungs of the pyramid scheme to the inner circle. Once in the inner circle, people will defend and protect the lofty position of the Figurehead to maintain their own position. The energy, ideas, intellect, talents, and efforts of the followers - those on the lower rungs of the pyramid - are funneled to the top and folded into the Figurehead's own work. In this way, the followers are used to prop up or bolster the position and status of the Figurehead. This is energetic theft, and it's really the only way the bloated public platform used by the Figurehead can be maintained.

5. The Figurehead controlled opposition agent has extreme influence on the thoughts, ideas, and speech of the followers to the point of mind control. This takes the form of hundreds of thousands or millions of followers parroting the Figurehead's exact ideas and catch phrases. (Hatefully referring to the public as “sheeple” is one that springs immediately to mind.) This phenomenon can be easily picked up on by those objectively viewing the dynamics, and it is another dead giveaway. Free thinkers do not parrot the same catch phrases, idioms, or ideas at the same times as hundreds of thousands or millions of others. Independent researchers and thinkers do not obsessively focus on the pet subjects or ideas of the Figurehead to the exclusion of other, more important matters. The common denominator when seeing these types of dynamics will be exposure to one particular Figurehead.

6. The Figurehead controlled opposition agent often stirs anger, rage, frustration, or despair in followers with no healthy outlets for those feelings. Anger and rage will often be directed toward certain groups of people as the cause of the ills. These groups may be gender-based or race-based but can also be the public at large (“the sheeple”). Massive amounts of time and energy are directed toward particularly divisive topics as well as to matters of secondary importance, skirting around the real, core issues of the times and the real individuals, organizations, and entities responsible for the harm being caused. The Figurehead can also stir confusion and a sense of futility or helplessness in the followers, ensuring that followers do not take independent action (“there’s nothing we can do about it, anyway”) and that they will continue to look to the Figurehead for instruction on what to think or what to do. Dependence on the leadership of the Figurehead is encouraged, even if not expressly.

These are some of the characteristics of people who act as controlled opposition. You can use these points to sniff them out. People can be used as controlled opposition consciously (with their knowledge), or they can be used unconsciously (without their knowledge). Whole movements or "scenes" can also be infiltrated and used as controlled opposition - maintaining establishment control over dissent and the exposing of truth by scratching the surface, appearing to allow a public platform for alternative views, but never going to the real roots of the situation or truly liberating people's minds or lives. 

Saturn in Aquarius is a three-year transit for leveling hierarchies of all kinds and for re-formulating ideas around leadership and authority. 

Don't look to figureheads of any kind to tell you what to think or what to do. Aside from the controlled opposition element: take responsibility for your own thoughts, your own actions, and your own continued education on pertinent matters. Falling into the Figurehead-Follower dynamic and looking to the same handful of people as your personal authorities stops the discourse from going deeper or broader. It stops your own insights from being developed as they need to be, and it could stop those insights from reaching the people who need them.

Use the information provided in limited hangouts for your own knowledge base, but don't be drawn into the Figurehead's overall construct. Don't allow your precious energy to be used to prop up another person or organization. Don't fall for these energy-based pyramid schemes, and don't allow those around you to be sucked in without at least an attempt to set them straight.

Save a Valuable Mind: Call Out Controlled Opposition When You See It! 

  By Willow from Willow's Web Astrology 

All Willow's Web Astrology articles on controlled opposition.
 One of my personal faves on controlled opposition in the Occupy movement.  
All Willow's Web Astrology articles on deconstructing the New Age meme complex


Marta said...

You are so on point. Thank you Willow!

We live in terrifying times. The only "virus" is see is stupidity, gullibility, and lack of critical thinking skills along with a lack of trusting your gut, reading, ferreting out and deconstructing everything the "powers that be or authorities" are telling us. And that virus is highly contagious and appears to have most of humanity in it's thrall. I'm astonished and quite disheartened.

Willow said...

Yes! That comment is so on point, Marta. Thank-you! :-)

It's very surreal, isn't it?

But be heartened by the fact that there are many, many people who do see through this scheme - they just aren't allowed on mainstream or (most) social media! ha.

Willow said...

This illustrates the false hierarchy and eugenicist ideology promoted by the New Age and Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, et. al.

"Mankind is obviously divided into god-informed men and lower human creatures. The intellectual difference between the Aryan and other civilized nations and such savages as the South Sea Islanders, is inexplicable on any other grounds. No amount of culture, nor generations of training amid civilization, could raise such human specimens as the Bushmen, the Veddhas of Ceylon, and some African Tribes, to the same intellectual level as the Aryans, the Semites, and the Turanians so called. The 'sacred spark' is missing in them and it is they who are the only inferior races on the globe, now happily – owing to the wise adjustment of nature which ever works in that direction – fast dying out. Verily mankind is 'of one blood,' but not of the same essence. We are the hot-house, artificially quickened plants in nature, having in us a spark, which in them is latent" (The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 2, p 421).

Alice Bailey was also a big proponent of the "New World Order" and one world government:

1934 -- The Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey is published. Bailey is an occultist, whose works are channeled from a spirit guide, the Tibetan Master [demon spirit] Djwahl Kuhl. Bailey uses the phrase "points of light" in connection with a "New Group of World Servers" and claims that 1934 marks the beginning of "the organizing of the men and work of a new order...[with] progress defined by service...the world of the Brotherhood...the Forces of Light...[and] out of the spoliation of all existing culture and civilization, the new world order must be built."

Willow said...

Chad and Lori Daybell (responsible for at least four murders, including two of Lori's children) are illustrations of how dangerous New Age delusions can be. People think New Age is innocuous. It certainly is not.

"They scored people on a "vibration" scale, with those deemed as having high-enough "vibrations" to have special powers, or be "translated."

The Daybells just made up their own hybridized version of the New Age paradigm. New Age teaches that there is a hierarchy of "vibrations" with the "highly-vibrating" New Agers at the top of the heap. They also believe the "highly vibrating" people will "ascend to the 5th dimension" and the 3D, "density-dwellers" will simply die off or disappear. It's the same thing. A form of false spiritual hierarchy with roots to spiritual eugenics.