Friday, March 27, 2020

Mercury in Pisces Leaves the Retrograde Shadow: Guard Your Mind and Your Psychic Space Carefully

Communication and intelligence planet Mercury is just about to leave the retrograde shadow (13 degrees Pisces) on March 30, and as it does, we move out of the longest-feeling (and most surreal) Mercury retrograde process I've ever experienced in my time on Earth. I'm sure most people feel the same way about it.

Mercury is still in the sign of its detriment, mentally and psychically-permeable Pisces, until it enters Aries on April 10. 

Continue to guard your mind and your psychic space carefully. Shut off the information flow when it becomes overwhelming or detrimental to your mental or emotional health. (Better yet - avoid mainstream media entirely.) Look for alternative sources of information that do not leave you with feelings of anxiety, dread, panic, or terror.

Understand that transiting Mercury in Pisces can indicate an overly-impressionable or overly-influenced mind. There is extra sensitivity to words, information, and media now. This effect is intensified as Mercury closes in on a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces, exact April 3.

Panic and terror do not serve us. Feeding into mass hysteria or eroding levels of worry do not benefit us. Take good care of your mind and your psychic space, and filter accordingly.

 YouTube Video: Censored Twice Already in 2020 - But I Think I Found an Alternative


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