Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Juno Enters Aquarius Where it Remains for the Rest of 2013

The asteroid associated with marriage, commitment, and soul mates, Juno, enters Aquarius on March 13, where it will stay until January 1, 2014. This extended transit in the sign of the new astrological era indicates an at-times frictional move into stronger Aquarian-era relational themes throughout 2013.

Juno will retrograde through Aquarius from June 14 through September 22 (19 degrees to 3 degrees).

During its transit of the water-bearer, Juno will square Saturn in Scorpio three times: April 13, 2013 at 9 degrees of the signs, August 26, 2013 at 6 degrees of the signs, and November 29, 2013 with both Juno and Saturn at 17 degrees of the signs.

We're grinding these "new era" relational issues out from the gut, from the core, guided as always by our own inner knowledge of the way things need to be. We're digging deeply to find the emotional and psychological stability required this year as we are whisked into new dynamics and new situations.

Many frictional issues will be raised by Juno this year related to a shift in relationship dynamics, new forms of commitment, and new rules for marriage and commited relationships of all kinds coming into play under a stronger Aquarian umbrella.

We're looking to create the true egalitarian win-win here - no coercion, no unequal power dynamics, no swallowing things we don't want to swallow.

We're moving from crystallized marriage and relationship constructs determining the behaviour of the participants...to to the needs of the participants as individuals determining the shape of the constructs. And this is going to be highly frictional at times, as people resist the unfamiliar leadership of our lady Juno in Aquarius.

You can read more about this Juno transit within the context of the broader structural shifts we are experiencing in love, relationship, and commitment in 2013 in my paid article:

Venus, Juno, and Pluto: the Reconfiguring and Renegotiation of Marriage and Commitment in 2013 - $20

* Note: This is an article from the start of 2013 that I'm re-advertising now. You may have already purchased it.

1 comment:

Greg F said...

Hi Willow,

Thanks for your wise words, as always.

My eccentric 0 deg Aries girlfriend showed up in January the day Mars entered Aquarius, and took off when Mars moved into Pisces.

She blew back into town on March 13 along with Juno breezing into Aquarius. That day the Sun was conjunct her ascendant in Pisces, which is the same degree as my 4th house IC cusp.

Fascinating, isn't it? Cheers and healing sunshine and warmth to you from here in Washington State.