"Amongst much "Age of Aquarius" rhetoric about technology being used to improve the lives of the common people, energy weapons are being rolled out and used by Global Government forces against peaceful protesters and citizens in unprecedented ways.
Aquarius is a sign associated with science and technology. It is symbolized by two waves of current or electricity. As we move further into the astrological Aquarian era, tied to the precession of the equinoxes, we can expect unprecedented technological advances and discoveries, including in the form of energy weaponry.
The use of this energy weaponry in warfare and to maintain control over the public will be well established by the time Lord of the Underworld Pluto transits the sign of Aquarius (2023 to 2043). The fight to liberate technological advances and discoveries (as well as energy itself) for the collective good of humanity will be equally strong Pluto in Aquarius themes."
"Our new investments can be focused on the technologies
that will revolutionize warfare, forging our military assets into a
single network designed to overcome the enemy. So a soldier in hostile
territory will be alerted to a distant ambush by censors or satellites
or drones, instantly transmitting a warning using artificial
intelligence to devise the optimal responses, offering an array of
options from summoning an airstrike to ordering a swarm attack by drones
or paralyzing the enemy with cyber weapons. New advances will surmount
the old limits of logistics. Our warships and combat vehicles will carry
directed energy weapons destroying targets with inexhaustible lasers.
For them, the phrase "out of ammunition" will become redundant. Nations
are racing to master this new doctrine of warfare, and our investment is
designed to place Britain among the winners. The returns will go far
beyond our armed forces from aerospace to autonomous vehicles, these
technologies have a vast array of civilian applications." Article.
Elon Musk's taxpayer-funded 5G Starlink satellite scheme is part of the further militarizing of space. He has already declared the U.S. military as a big customer.
"Musk has said SpaceX will need at least 400 Starlink satellites in orbit for "minor" broadband coverage, and 800 satellites aloft for "moderate" coverage. The initial Starlink plan called for a megaconstellation of 12,000 satellites, and SpaceX recenty filed paperwork with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to launch another 30,000 satellites. The ITU is a United Nations agency that manages the global satellite radio-frequency spectrum, among other things.
Ultimately, SpaceX may not need so many satellites in orbit for global coverage. But having them available will allow SpaceX to use some satellites for customized service, Shotwell said, according to SpaceNews.
One of those potential customers may be the U.S. military."
From a previous article:
"Jupiter will enter Aquarius at the end of 2020 (December 19) and will immediately form a conjunction to Saturn at the zero degree of Aquarius on December 21. This makes winter solstice 2020 another major establishing and expansion point for "control through technology and frequency."
Equinoxes and solstices are referred to as "cardinal points" in astrology and are associated with initiation, leadership, and the opening of new chapters. They're powerful pivot points. The zero-degree of Aquarius is being activated at both March equinox and December solstice 2020, and the power establishment will be using the potent energy involved to advance its technology and control-based social engineering agendas. The control frameworks being established at March equinox through the global pandemic will be expanded upon and solidified at December solstice - if we allow them to be.
From the January 20, 2020 patron article, "An Aquarian Infusion on the Horizon and the Next Six-Planet Stellium: Grounded Quantum Leaps"
"Not all progress is beneficial progress. Not all growth is good growth. Not all advancements are true advancements. Many of the “advancements” set to be rolled out, particularly involving technology, are actually designed to set humanity back, creating a more stifled, homogeneous, artificially-stimulated, and easily-controlled population...
The zero degree of any sign is always particularly potent, ripe with potential. It is an area associated with initiation, a shift into something new. A planet on the zero degree is anchoring in the energies and themes of the sign while simultaneously unlocking new opportunities there, new layers of the scenario. The zero degree is a seed point, a birth point, and when it is being activated, we can expect new themes and events to be kicked up, requiring us to acclimatize to the changing energetic/thematic tone...
Every tiny step we’ve carved out that has taken us away from the hyper-controlled, socially-engineered Dystopian Digital Hell being created for life on this planet has been more valuable that any amount of gold or silver or fiat currency in a bank account. Every time we have chosen kindness, humanity, caring, consideration, grounding, and sanity in this hyper-paced world seemingly so depleted of those things, we’ve added solid new lines to the blueprint leading us beyond this garish merry-go-round madness and its horrifying squeal-peals of laughter.
Every time we have chosen to be human, and to take a stand for human life, within this socially-engineered funhouse existence, we have set a critically necessary tone. Every time we have been human, rather than the Digitized Automaton Lifeform Versions we are being shaped into, we have drawn an immensely valuable line in the sand. We have set a firm and fortified position of resistance that will benefit many generations to come. We have carved out at least the possibility of an alternative.
Because they don’t have anything to compare it to, see? The younger generations are being born into this Dystopian Digitized Hell masquerading as the sleek and sexy future. This is reality for them. Smart phone mesmerism. 5G irradiation. Carefully-crafted images on screens as Real Life. A handful of elite-owned corporate entities feeding toxic-superficial content into hungry eyes and ears and brains. A junk food existence hurtling along at warp speed.
So these re-set points, these flaws in the program, these kinks in the plan, these moments of human-driven resistance are all critically necessary.
During Saturn’s transit of Aquarius (March 2020 to March 2023), we are required to live with deep respect (Saturn) for humanity (Aquarius) and for ourselves within a new world order that teaches disdain, disgust, and hatred for human beings and for real human values...
As we deepen our commitment to living by a vision that brings us to a free humanity, creating a dignified and elevated life for ourselves and others, we create a forcefield around us that will naturally repel the manipulated, artificial, and hyper-controlled versions of the future currently being brought in to saturate human society...
Getting to this point and fully cementing it during the Saturn in Aquarius transit is very important, as the Saturn in Aquarius transit segues almost seamlessly into the Pluto in Aquarius years. Just as Saturn completes its transit of Aquarius in March 2023, Pluto begins its transit of the sign.
Lord of the Underworld Pluto is a body that relates to abusive power, hell, and nightmares – but also to the ultimate liberation from those things.
Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and also of the eugenicist.
Pluto relates to what is hidden or suppressed, and so we can see the symbology of a power agenda rolling out a blueprint for a Grand Humanitarian Future that is actually eugenicist and anti-human in nature.
The Pluto in Capricorn years (2008 – 2023) have coincided with the rise of the corporation as a vehicle for the power elite. Corruption and illegitimacy have been exposed in institutions of all kinds throughout these years, all while the establishment kept chugging along, pretty much business as usual.
Pluto in Aquarius (2023 - 2044) indicates two decades characterized by the rise of technology as a vehicle for the power elite. As terrifying as the practises and powers of toxic and deadly corporations have been, the prospect of technological advances being utilized to control and degrade humanity is even more terrible. This is the attempt to alter our DNA. This is the attempt to attune our neurological processes to artificial stimuli. This is the attempt to poison and control with increasing levels of electromagnetic radiation. This is the use of energy weapons. This is the attempt to get human beings to willingly throw off their biology in favour of transhumanism.
This is the attempt to fully lock human beings into Dystopian Digital Hell but to do it gradually, seamlessly, until no one can even remember a time before we took our every cue from a machine or an electromagnetic frequency or a pre-programmed idea.
Technology in and of itself is not evil, but the symbology of Pluto in Aquarius indicates a time when technology is in evil hands with an evil intent for humanity. The power (Pluto) that goes along with the control of technology (Aquarius) is being terribly misused...
Be ever-vigilant that there is a snaky and insidious version of the Aquarian-era future being rolled out, a sleek and sexy and seductive version that is entirely to our detriment.
With the upcoming Aquarian infusion, we are in the process of becoming a force, a fully committed force, that will simply repel this manipulated version of life on the planet, blazing a truly independent path through the still and sublime cosmos that will cement a real and viable alternative."
In basic terms, a Smart City is a community run via a program of technology-based social engineering. The current plan is for communities to be “transformed” into Smart Cities worldwide without public consent. Cities would be run and decisions would be made based on data collected from all variety of sources. Everyday objects from traffic lights to garbage cans to clothing to diapers to tampons to toilets to household appliances to cell phones to even electronic devices in people's bodies or brains would be collecting data on the residents and providing this data to electronic sources/databases. The Smart City would then be run and decisions would be made based on the data collected from these electronic devices.
Many people make the argument that we’re “already living in Smart Cities” because our cell phones, devices, and computers are monitored and tracked. This is not accurate. Smart City living is far beyond anything we have ever seen. The levels of top-down social engineering, control, and surveillance would be unprecedented. Many everyday objects used in our daily lives would be connected to the electronic grid, constantly monitoring us and our movement and collecting and transmitting data to electronic sources. Public areas and even parks would be under near-total surveillance, including facial recognition cameras, drones, and video surveillance. The current levels of tracking and surveillance are still in the very earliest stages. Smart Cities would advance this dramatically, saturating our daily lives.
Billions of everyday objects would be connected to electronic devices (referred to as The Internet of Things or IoT), and these devices would be constantly monitoring, collecting, and transmitting data on the people living in the community - not to mention emitting horrendously dangerous levels of electromagnetic radiation and frequency. The data collected on the residents would then create what are called algorithms, and these algorithms would be used to make the decisions for the city. People would be expected to live by the algorithm. Smart Cities involve a new, wholescale technological system to be brought in, and 5G (fifth generation) is the early infrastructure for it. The current 4G technology is not sufficient for the tremendous amount of data that would need to be collected, transmitted, stored, and analyzed. The 5G (and beyond) grid is required for these purposes.
As mentioned, there is a strong surveillance component to Smart Cities where all public places would be under total or near-total surveillance, including facial recognition cameras on every street, drones, video surveillance from satellites, and other sources. In fact, there are plans to put the entire planet under video surveillance, excluding the North and South Poles. This brings up many concerns about privacy. Again, many devices in people's private homes would also be monitoring them and collecting and transmitting data on their everyday lives.
There is concern about the level of electromagnetic radiation all these devices would produce, including one 5G cell tower for every city block at the very least, which would expose people, animals, insects, trees, and plants to dangerous radiation and frequency. There are already proven detrimental effects on biological organisms from 4G (fourth generation) wireless and cell towers. 5G increases that electromagnetic radiation/frequency exposure dramatically. This would be a particular problem for children, the elderly, people with underlying health conditions, and electromagnetically-sensitive people. EMF has proven detrimental effects on pollinators, as well, and our pollinators are already in trouble.
One of the goals of Smart Cities is to automate many jobs and to bring in the widespread use of artificial intelligence, including in the police forces. This would put people out of work en masse, and it would put us under a system of technology-based or artificial intelligence-based surveillance and policing. (It would put many human police officers out of work, as well.)
There is a concerted agenda to "transform" our communities into Smart Cities worldwide, and the 5G grid is the underlying infrastructure for this. The current 4G technology is not sufficient for the tremendous amount of data that would be collected, transmitted, stored, and analyzed in a Smart City. The 5G grid, touted as much faster and more powerful than 4G, is required to continue with these plans.
This might sound like science fiction, but the move to Smart City living is already well underway, including in relatively small cities.
Do you give consent to live in a Smart City? Do you give consent to have your community “transformed” into a Smart City? These are questions that are not being asked of the people. Instead, this scheme is being insidiously foisted upon us top-down, without our knowledge or consent.
In the document linked below, you can see a bid for a health-based monitoring system in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada. The document is called "HealthSmart Airdrie: Smart Cities Challenge." In the document, Airdrie says it has been taking steps toward becoming a Smart City since 2007. In other words, this system of technology-based social engineering is already well underway, including even in small Canadian cities like Airdrie, population 60,000.
HealthSmart Airdrie: Smart Cities Challenge
Do you give consent to live in a Smart
City? Do you give consent to have your community “transformed” into a Smart
City? These are questions that are not being asked of the people. Instead, this
scheme is being insidiously foisted upon us top-down, without our knowledge or consent.
It's imperative that these questions be put to all mayors and city councilors:
Does City Council have plans to turn this community into a Smart City?
Have steps already been taken to make this community a Smart City?
What recourse do residents have if they oppose this community becoming a Smart City?
What is the response of City Council to the known dangers of electromagnetic radiation exposure, which would be exacerbated by the 5G rollout in this community?
May we have a map of future 5G cell installations in the community?
What recourse do homeowners, business owners, or renters have to stop 5G antennae from being placed near their buildings?
Links for further information on Smart Cities:
What is a Smart Society? Toward the transcendent model society of 2030
Sleepy in Songdo: Korea's Smartest City
A city that knows your every move: Saudi Arabia's new smart city might be a glimpse of the future
Smart Cities are considered a key component of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals.
In the Montevideo Declaration produced
in Uruguay in September 2016, Smart Cities and information and communication
technologies were promoted as key elements of the United Nations’ “New Urban
Agenda.” The Declaration promoted the advance of a “global smart city movement”
and “smart sustainable cities.”
Press Release, September 9, 2016: Policy
makers place smart sustainable cities at the heart of the new urban
agenda: Smart cities and ICTs seen as a keys to unlocking the potential
of sustainable development goals
In the article, “What is a Smart City: toward the transcendent model society of 2030,” a disturbing blueprint is revealed for the type of "Smart Societies" planned in the United Nations Agenda 2030. It's all couched in very glowing and idealistic language (the hard sell), but it actually describes a technological dystopia built on surveillance, control, and top-down social engineering.
The website linked below shows a disturbing blueprint for the type of "Smart Societies"
planned in the United Nations' Agenda 2030. It's all couched in very
glowing and idealistic language (the hard sell), but it's beyond creepy.
"6G vision for 2030" - The SmartHuman (TM) Life
Nooooooooooooo thank you!
This horror show is based in the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the "Sustainable Development Goals." The creation of Smart Cities, Smart Humans, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of Humans are all elements of this top-down global scheme.
This is the vision for Digitized Dystopian Hell on Earth.
Could you elaborate on 'smart police'. Thanks Linda
Basically, it is a fully digitized police force that relies heavily on artificial intelligence, robots, and technology. (Facial recognition and drones are some of the early steps toward this. We also so "Spot" the robo-dog going through parks and telling people to socially distance during the "lockdowns.") The technology can be used for total surveillance.
Eventually, I imagine "transhuman" robo-cops are planned.
The film Robo-cop was probably some predictive programming on this front.
The real purpose of the StarLink satellite scheme involves "space-based military intelligence and surveillance." This will also keep rural people under surveillance more easily. I watch in horror as rural people applaud Elon Musk as some sort of "hero of the working class" while he is basically shutting them into an electronic cage. Lasers can also be attached to low-orbit satellites. I'm not sure if StarLink satellites could be used for this reason.
"Taran highlighted the importance of utilizing space-based technology for Ukraine’s security interests, noting that it would allow for better monitoring of its borders and other areas of strategic interest. He also noted that the technology would allow for better intelligence gathering and analysis, allowing the country to respond quickly to threats and other potential dangers.
The new space-based surveillance and intelligence system is expected to be deployed within a few years. It will be used to monitor Ukrainian borders, airspace, and other areas of strategic importance. The system will also be used to detect potential threats and hostile activity, with the aim of deterring such activity before it occurs..."
In November 2020, United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced an increased investment in the 5G-driven techno-military, including directed energy weapons, artificial intelligence, and surveillance. SmartMilitary, SmartPolice, SmartSurveillance. This is no conspiracy theory. The "Global Government" is actually quite blatant about its plans. These plans are global, and the same technology and weaponry will be used on people domestically.
"Our new investments can be focused on the technologies that will revolutionize warfare, forging our military assets into a single network designed to overcome the enemy. So a soldier in hostile territory will be alerted to a distant ambush by censors or satellites or drones, instantly transmitting a warning using artificial intelligence to devise the optimal responses, offering an array of options from summoning an airstrike to ordering a swarm attack by drones or paralyzing the enemy with cyber weapons. New advances will surmount the old limits of logistics. Our warships and combat vehicles will carry directed energy weapons destroying targets with inexhaustible lasers. For them, the phrase "out of ammunition" will become redundant. Nations are racing to master this new doctrine of warfare, and our investment is designed to place Britain among the winners. The returns will go far beyond our armed forces from aerospace to autonomous vehicles, these technologies have a vast array of civilian applications."
Elon Musk's taxpayer-funded 5G Starlink satellite scheme is part of the further militarizing of space. He has already declared the U.S. military as a big customer.
From 2019: SpaceX's Starlink Broadband Service Will Begin in 2020: Report: The U.S. Air Force is already testing it in military planes.
"Musk has said SpaceX will need at least 400 Starlink satellites in orbit for "minor" broadband coverage, and 800 satellites aloft for "moderate" coverage. The initial Starlink plan called for a megaconstellation of 12,000 satellites, and SpaceX recenty filed paperwork with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to launch another 30,000 satellites. The ITU is a United Nations agency that manages the global satellite radio-frequency spectrum, among other things.
Ultimately, SpaceX may not need so many satellites in orbit for global coverage. But having them available will allow SpaceX to use some satellites for customized service, Shotwell said, according to SpaceNews.
One of those potential customers may be the U.S. military."
Creating the 5G-Driven Surveillance State
"Starlink, the satellite-based internet service from SpaceX, is set to revolutionize remote surveillance and security. With the ability to provide high-speed internet access to virtually any location on the planet, Starlink can enable organizations to monitor and protect their assets in even the most remote locations...
Finally, Starlink could be used to monitor remote areas for security threats. With its global coverage, Starlink could be used to detect and track suspicious activity in remote areas. This could be especially useful for governments and security agencies that need to monitor large areas for potential threats...
This is because the service can be used to monitor and detect suspicious activity, allowing authorities to respond quickly to any potential threats."
5G radiation is UNTESTED for long-term human exposure. These are some of the early case studies showing people getting ill around 5G antennae.
Seven case studies show that 5G is a health danger - https://radiationprotection.se/5g/seven-case-studies-show-that-5g-is-a-health-danger/
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