Monday, July 11, 2022

A Re-Post With Mars in Taurus - Uranus in Taurus: the 5G-Driven "Smart Farming" Scheme as an Attempt to Make Farmers and Ranchers Obsolete on Their Own Land

With Mars transiting Taurus (July 5 to August 20, 2022) and pushing to a conjunction to Uranus and the North Node of the Moon on August 1, we are seeing a massive agrarian uprising in the Netherlands that is spilling into other European countries like Germany and Italy. These are ranchers, farmers, and their supporters resisting the top-down Global Green Agenda currently being used as an excuse to eliminate independent ranches (and soon, other farms).

What follows is a re-post of an article that was first published on the blog on January 9, 2021. The article was written and posted for the previous Mars in Taurus transit from January 6 to March 4, 2021. The article goes into depth about the Technocratic authoritarian power grab - currently riding in on the 5G/6G technology grid - that also involves an attempted takeover of independent ranching and farming by corporatized, digitized, Technocratic interests.

As of July 5, 2022, Mars has returned to agriculture-related Taurus, and the same themes are being pushed to a head once again as the warrior planet forms a conjunction to transiting Uranus and the North Node of the Moon at 18 degrees Taurus (exact August 1, 2022).

Regardless of political stances, this is about the independent production of food on this planet. If you eat food, these rural rebellions affect you. 

 From January 9, 2021:

Uranus in Taurus: the 5G-Driven "Smart Farming" Scheme as an Attempt to Make Farmers and Ranchers Obsolete on Their Own Land

As we move through the first month of 2021, Jupiter and Saturn are traveling in conjunction through the first decan of Aquarius. The exact conjunction of these two bodies, initiating a new 20-year cycle, was exact on December 21, 2020 at 0 degrees Aquarius.

Aquarius is a sign related to technology, science, humanity, communities, friendship, global elements, win-win scenarios, humanitarianism, eugenics, and social engineering, among other things. 

Saturn first cracked the seal on the sign of Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020. This period coincided with the rapid rollout of 5G infrastructure in countries around the world as the powers-that-be attempted to cement (Saturn) a technological advancement (Aquarius) that would provide them with unprecedented control over human beings, human communities, and life and energy on the planet. In effect, this was a concrete attempted takeover by the Technocracy, pushing a brand of globalized, top-down social engineering that would "transform" our societies and lives without our permission. 

Saturn re-entered Aquarius on December 16, 2020 for a transit that lasts until March 7, 2023. Jupiter followed into the sign on December 19, 2020 for a year-long transit that lasts until December 29, 2021. With the addition of Jupiter in Aquarius, 2021 marks an attempted expansion of this technology-based control grid, along with lock-step advancement of Technocratic social engineering around the world. 

All this is being described in glowing terms by the telecommunications industry, government, and mainstream media, as a highly benevolent (Jupiter) and much-needed advancement (Aquarius) for human society. They also talk about it as if it's a done deal. It isn't. Far from it.

I've written about Smart Cities, Technocracy, and the importance of establishing our spiritual sovereignty in a recent article: Spiritual Sovereignty as the Long Game Ahead of the Next Saturn-Pluto Conjunction

The Saturn in Aquarius transit leads almost seamlessly into the Pluto in Aquarius transit (March 2023 to January 2044). Pluto enters Aquarius on March 24, 2023, just as Saturn exits the sign. 

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Mars in Taurus: Key Lines in the Sand Being Drawn and Actively Reinforced

The Great Sandhills, south of Sceptre, Saskatchewan (arguably the most Taurean of the Canadian provinces)


"Mars in Taurus: Key Lines in the Sand Being Drawn and Reinforced," is an article available to Willow's Web Astrology patrons



Monday, July 4, 2022

Mars Enters Taurus, the Dutch Rancher Resistance, and a Re-Post: Uranus in Taurus and the Farmer/Rancher/Rural Rebellion (2018 to 2026)

Dutch farmers and ranchers are currently protesting the globalist Green Agenda that would see 30% of ranches in their country become obsolete (at least, for this round) with the stated purpose of "cutting nitrogen emissions." This protest has ramifications for all human beings on this planet. The Netherlands is the Test Case Nation for agriculture-related policies that are planned for worldwide implementation. As Bill Gates and mad scientists in lab coats create Engineered Meat Product (TM) and corporations start producing crickets and other insects for human consumption, these ranchers are fighting for the future of food and independent food production on this planet.

They're right on schedule. Mars (anger, action, goals) enters Taurus (agriculture, food, resources) just after midnight tonight and will move to a conjunction with Uranus (rebellion) and the North Node of the Moon (soul-directed path forward) at 18 degrees Taurus on August 2. This is not the first time Dutch ranchers and farmers and their supporters have protested en masse to refuse the insane faux green regulations that would put them (and independent food production in general) out of business. They were also protesting in October 2019. 
The article that follows was originally published on the blog on November 10, 2019. 
Uranus in Taurus and the Farmer/Rancher/Rural Rebellion (2018 to 2026)
Cattle on my family ranch
Photos: Willow, excluding the photo of the hail, which is used with permission
The Moon grows full at 19 degrees Taurus exactly conjunct asteroid Vesta Rx in Taurus and opposite the Sun and Mercury Rx in Scorpio in the early hours of November 12, 2019 (5:34 a.m. PST). 
The Moon is exalted in the earthy and grounded sign of Taurus. The cycles of the Moon play out like clockwork, just like the nature-based rhythms of agrarian Taurus. It's a lovely match.
The Moon relates to the public, to the populace, and particularly to the emotional state of the populace. Under this Taurus Full Moon, we have illuminated for us a full-out worldwide rebellion of rural people, ranchers, farmers, resource-based workers, and those who have a life on the land running through their blood. 
The Taurus Moon forms a conjunction to Uranus Rx at 4 degrees late tonight (11:10 p.m.), and this Uranian rebellion energy is carried into the lunar peak.
The exact conjunction between the Full Moon and asteroid of hearth and home Vesta, retrograde in Taurus, indicates strong themes involving resources and soul-level investments. We've put years, lifetimes, into our material anchors on this Earth, into maintaining a life connected to the natural cycles and rhythms of this Earth. There's a lot at stake here, and we're not letting these resources and investments be stolen from us without a fight.  
This Taurus Full Moon is the call to resist. The call to break form. The call for self-determination. Anyone who believes in the right to independence for the human soul can hear this call, whether country dweller or city slicker or a combination of the two.
In October 2019, between 20,000 and 25,000 Dutch farmers converged on the Hague, the Netherlands' capital city, to push back against government suggestions that livestock production should be slashed by 50% to meet European Union nitrogen emissions regulations. Around 8,000 tractors came together in a tractor rally that caused a massive traffic jam in the city. Despite this inconvenience, polls showed that 89% of Dutch people supported the farmers.