Lessons & Tutoring

Hone your astrological skills and instincts with the assistance of a professional intuitive astrologer with more than 18 years experience and an international customer base and readership.
Learn to go deeper into the astrological chart, pulling out rich and valuable insight that goes beyond standard interpretations.
Lessons are available as one-time sessions or on an ongoing basis.

Please contact me at willowsweb [at] hushmail.com for more information or to schedule a session. 


Payment for lessons can be made here:


30-minute lesson - $35 (Canadian funds)

60-minute lesson - $55 (Canadian funds)


I also accept eTransfers, money orders payable in Canada, or personal cheques. You can also purchase lessons or tutoring through my Etsy shop.  

Lessons and tutoring are available in person or by online call.



Learn to interpret natal charts, transit charts, Secondary Progressed charts, and/or relationship synastry. 

In our initial exchange, I'll get an idea of your current astrological skills and what you would like to learn, and lessons or tutoring will be geared to you.

I can teach astrology foundations from the ground up, or I can teach more advanced techniques.

I'm also available for sessions on writing, citizen journalism, effective activist campaigns, and astrology-journalism.


angelika said...

dear willow,

i would like to know how an astro-lesson would look like.
is there any information about this on your site?
does this depend on what i want to know/learn? i.e. what is my soul-purpose for this live? what themes do i need to work through?
what are my blind spots?
why does "x" happen to me?
things like this...


Willow said...

Hi, Angelika;

The queries you outlined would be handled in a reading as opposed to a lesson.

Lessons involve the physical components of the astrological system and of charts. Helping you to read birth charts, transit charts, relationship synastry charts and the like. Practising interpretation of planets in signs/houses and aspects. Any aspect of astrological interpretation you would like to learn or hone your skills with. Learning Moon phases. Learning about retrogrades. Things like that.

angelika said...

Hi Willow,

to become clear. i would like to learn to interprete a planet in a house. (and first, i want to understand my own chart...)
i.e. my nodal axes are scorpio-taurus and 2nd - 8 house.
to me, with my actual understanding, this is part of soul purpose.

am i standing on the line somehow?
i would like to understand my own chart by myself first (then others). is this not learning astro?
i had an astrologer for many years from whom i got readings.
i now, would like to do my own interpretation. but with your special view.
so cant we discuss the example of my nodes in a lesson?
would that be a reading to you?

thank you for your patience.


Willow said...

If I'm doing the interpreting of your chart, that would be a reading.

A lesson would involve teaching you techniques that could then guide your own interpretations.

The energy expenditure is different, and it's a subtle distinction. It depends whether you are doing the heavy lifting or I am. :-)

angelika said...

ah, it becomes clearer to me now.
How many hours/lessons do i need, to understand pluto in my chart and my nodes?
and how much time do we need, to find out, where my astro-knowledge and skills are right now?

Willow said...

I think it depends on the individual. The lessons would be directed by you, so you would decide how many you'd like in order to feel fully comfortable with the techniques/material.

I could cover Pluto and the nodes in one hour-long lesson or in two half-hour lessons. From there, you would decide if a further lesson or lessons are necessary.

The level of astrological knowledge is just a basic guide. You are already beyond the basics, so I would know that I could take it up a few levels and not lose you.

angelika said...

i am in austria, so work would be on skype i think?
and can we split the hour in two half (would help me because of questions that come up... to make the best use of the time - or would it be then 2 half-hour-sessions?) my english is a little bit slow, i often dont understand at first. do you record the lessons, so that i can hear it again?

namaste, angelika

ps, i ask a lot, but i think its a q&a and others dont need to ask the same again... .-)

angelika said...

another question: ;-)

any preparation neccessary to start lessons with you? or just pay and date and go? :-D


Willow said...

Yes, Skype.

If the lessons are divided into two separate sessions on two different days, they would be two half-hour lessons. I would have to schedule and prepare for two separate sessions.

Yes, lessons are recorded onto mp3 and sent to you following the lesson.

There is no preparation necessary for the first lesson - just knowing what you would like to get from the session and focusing there.

To set up a lesson, you would pay for the session and then contact me to schedule it and to determine what you would like covered in that lesson.

angelika said...

ok - thx - :-)

i send you an email.