Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Neptune in Pisces Stations Direct with New Spiritual Support On its Way As We Navigate the Material Plane

Ethereal Neptune stations direct at 15 degrees Pisces on November 27 (4:32 a.m. PST) in a tight trine aspect to Mercury in Scorpio. 

Winged messenger Mercury went direct today (11:12 a.m.) after its own retrograde period, which was covered extensively in the most recent patron article.

These astrological markers indicate strong themes related to spiritual communication, divine connection, and fated contacts.

Neptune is now back where it was in March 2019, and so is Saturn in Capricorn, so we could be picking up on some threads from that time pertaining to where we hoped and dreamed we'd be right now (Neptune) versus the reality of where we actually find ourselves (Saturn)!

When a planet appears to slow in the zodiac to station either retrograde or direct, there is often a noticeable concentration of that planet's energy and themes. 

In this case, as Neptune puts on the brakes and then appears to move direct again in its domicile sign of Pisces, we may find ourselves being visited by the Seven Neptunian Dwarves: Sleepy, Dreamy, Dopey, Spacey, Foggy, Swirly, and Wispy. 

Read more about Neptune Stationing Symptoms.

Neptune is the planet associated with, among other things: dreams; spiritual communication and guidance; psychic abilities; hauntings; isolation; illusions; delusions; mental illness; the unconscious; sublime artistic ability; surreality; escapism; rose-coloured glasses; oceans; fluids; flooding; permeation; blind spots, smokescreens; fraud; deception; and addictions.

As Neptune now slows to station direct and concentrates itself in the zodiac, we could experience an intensification of any of the above characteristics or themes.

On one hand, Neptune stations can have an effect of confirming for us our divine connection and the presence of the spiritual as it permeates and plays out in our day-to-day. We could be more strongly in touch with a sense of the ultimate spiritual purpose and meaning underlying our lives. Neptune stations can be times when we feel particularly connected to the magic flow of life, uplifted by the sublime beauty and wonder of being alive on this planet.

On the other hand, Neptune stations can (temporarily) bring a bad case of the despairs, especially when harshly aspecting a body or placement in the natal or Secondary Progressed charts or a transiting body. Neptune stations indicate times of increased sensitivity which can include a feeling of being lost in the harsh material realm, unsure of where to go next and uncertain of the value of what we've experienced or done on this planet thus far. 

Every planet has its pleasant and its less pleasant themes, and Neptune is no exception!

With the trine between stationing Mercury in Scorpio and stationing Neptune in Pisces so influential now, we must be aware of the element of illusion (especially in these social media-saturated times) and how this can play on our minds, particularly how it can stir jealousy, resentment, or dark thoughts (Scorpio). 

During the winged messenger's transit of Scorpio so far, the Mercury-Neptune trine has been exact twice - on October 15 (with Mercury direct) and on November 13 (with Mercury retrograde). 

A web of spiritual connections has been playing out throughout this Mercury transit/retrograde complete with chance meetings, strange contacts, and a sleuth-like gathering of intel.

From the October 23, 2019 patron article, "Mercury Goes Retrograde in Scorpio Conjunct Venus on All Hallow’s Eve: A Deep Dive into the Mental Netherworld":

"During the retrograde and then the direct pass through Scorpio, Mercury will be connecting previously-hidden dots, weaving a tapestry together that allows us to see and understand why things went the way they did, why that person said that, what that person was thinking, why you ran into so-and-so when you did...

We're dropping some dead weight. We're burning off some old resentments, annoyances, dramas, grudges, and sore spots, as much for our own continued emotional and psychological survival as for anything or anyone else. Who needs to carry that stuff around?   

In some cases, we can do this on our own simply by applying the power of our own conscious minds. In other cases, the legitimate roots of these resentments and grudges and sticking points have to be addressed with others or within a public forum. The legitimate roots have to be brought up to the light of day, and this will require communication and interaction (Mercury). It will require speaking up and speaking right from our core realities, no matter who that makes squirm...

There are some uncomfortable and even potentially incendiary conversations, connections, and exchanges on the horizon as Mercury retraces its steps through the netherworld regions of our minds. Speaking right from our core realities - not getting sidetracked, not glossing over things, not chickening out - is the guiding thread through the mental and conversational landmines. We might not receive the validation or the action we were hoping for, but the act of putting things into words and expressing those words will often make us feel better. In this way, we’re doing our part, and this might be enough to put things behind us in a satisfactory way.

Mercury will be hitting some mental trip wires, bringing up unaddressed issues, lingering questions in our minds, and old conversations that left loose ends...

Scorpio is a sign related to completions and endings. We are looking to be released from nasty thoughts, negative self-talk, and mental burdens that we've been carrying for too long." 

Examining and then reversing negative self-talk has been a theme of this Mercury retrograde, and we're consciously working this process as Mercury goes direct. We're looking to put old mental/emotional sore spots into a more empowering and uplifting context, and we're looking to be rock-solid supportive of ourselves, even when the people or world around us do not seem to be. 

Mercury in Scorpio now moves into the final trine to Neptune in Pisces (exact November 28), and this indicates the possibility that we have made some peace with our demons - or that we are about to. We can release some gnarly mental-emotional energy, some triggers or dark/depressing thoughts, and just let the flowing water carry it all away.

Action and aggression planet Mars entered its domicile sign of Scorpio last night (11:40 p.m.), and we'll now be tested on the progress we have made during the Mercury transit and retrograde in Scorpio. Mars will re-activate the trigger-happy threads and themes from December 6 to 30 as it moves over the degrees of Scorpio that were covered during the Mercury retrograde. Unfinished business could be stirred up by this Mars transit of Scorpio, and there is an impetus to take action from a newly empowered perspective.  

There's some very good news to share about this Neptune direct station, as well.

Throughout most of the Jupiter in Sagittarius transit, Jupiter was within orb of a stressful, disorienting, and sometimes disheartening square aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This square was exact three times - January 13, 2019 at 14 degrees; June 16, 2019 at 18 degrees; and September 21, 2019 at 17 degrees - but the effects were hanging around through most of 2019.

The Jupiter in Sagittarius square to Neptune in Pisces throughout 2019 indicated a theme of determining what was real, true, and meaningful from what was illusory, deceptive, or fake. This was often a frustrating mess to wade through on both micro and macro levels.

At the time of this Neptune direct station at 15 degrees Pisces, however, Jupiter has moved out of orb of the square aspect (as of November 14) and is now moving into much friendlier relations with Neptune.

Jupiter moves into earth sign Capricorn on December 2, 2019 for a year-long transit, and it will transition from the harsh, conflicting square to Neptune into a supportive and productive sextile aspect that colours the energy and themes of 2020.

The Jupiter in Capricorn sextile to Neptune in Pisces will be exact three times: February 20, 2020 (17 degrees); July 27, 2020 (20 degrees); and October 12, 2020 (18 degrees). 

This sextile will be particularly helpful for people who have earth or water placements (natal or progressed) in the area of about 15 to 24 degrees.

Although not making any exact aspects, transiting Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn will also be within orb of sextiles to Neptune in Pisces in 2020.

These Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn sextiles to Neptune in Pisces indicate that more spiritual support will be accessible to us as we navigate some tough collective circumstances on the material plane. The divine is moving some boulders for us, holding us up when we’re tired, and pointing the way up the treacherous mountain terrain throughout 2020.

These earth-water sextile aspects indicate that there is practical guidance coming from the divine, guidance that can be applied in concrete ways to make real and lasting progress. This is foundational progress, structural progress, something that will sustain us.

There is less confusion indicated for 2020 and a stronger ability to apply spiritual principles and psychic impressions in concrete and productive ways, particularly in our careers and public lives (Capricorn). Career expansion that is spiritually attuned.

So if you've found the Jupiter-Neptune square in 2019 harsh, or if you're experiencing some of the less pleasant energies from this Neptune direct station, hang on. Increased astro support appears to be on its way!

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Kathryn said...

Thanks, Willow!
Much needed!!

Willow said...

You're welcome, Kathryn! Glad it hit the mark.