Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mercury Goes Retrograde in Scorpio Conjunct Venus on All Hallow’s Eve: A Deep Dive into the Mental Netherworld

What follows is an excerpt from the 5,000-word article, "Mercury Goes Retrograde in Scorpio Conjunct Venus on All Hallow’s Eve: a Deep Dive into the Mental Netherworld," that is available in its entirety to Willow's Web Astrology patrons

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- Mercury in Scorpio: October 3 to December 9, 2019  -


- Mercury retrograde: October 31 to November 20 from 27 degrees to 11 degrees Scorpio -   


As We Enter the Dark Half…


We’ve just entered Scorpio season, as the Sun moved into the sign of sex, death, regeneration, healing, secrets, research, and power on October 23 at 10:20 a.m. PDT.  

The Sun and Moon come together in exact conjunction at 4 degrees Scorpio on October 27 (8:38 p.m.), marking a New Moon that drops the bottom out in certain ways. The Scorpio New Moon falls in exact opposition to Uranus Rx in Taurus, and this adds a wild card element to the following lunar cycle, which spans from October 27 to November 26. Emotional shocks, changes, or surprises are on the docket that we must gradually integrate into our psyches. Emotional intelligence is a huge boon for this lunar cycle, as is an already well-developed understanding of what lies beneath the surface.  

Mercury, Venus, and female warrior asteroid Pallas Athene will be conjunct in late Scorpio at the time of the Scorpio New Moon opposite Uranus. This indicates that strategic communication and soul-bonded alliances will play a strong role in the lunar cycle. There’s a hidden battle underway, and the only connections that can be trusted are with those who are fighting that battle just as diligently as we are. In particular, this involves the fight for soul-sovereignty, the battle to remove ourselves from the influence of coercive control and illegitimate power...

Applying Plutonic Consciousness… 

There are some uncomfortable and even potentially incendiary conversations, connections, and exchanges on the horizon as Mercury retraces its steps through the netherworld regions of our minds. Speaking right from our core realities - not getting sidetracked, not glossing over things, not chickening out - is the guiding thread through the mental and conversational landmines. We might not receive the validation or the action we were hoping for, but the act of putting things into words and expressing those words will often make us feel better. In this way, we’re doing our part, and this might be enough to put things behind us in a satisfactory way.

In order to be successful now, we're taking the charge out of our words (even with highlycharged situations and subject matters). We're stripping the "striving desire for power and influence" out of our words. We're just laying down the reality of the situation, plain and simple.  

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio indicates the potential for deep and profound realizations, cathartic realizations that can break our chains and move us out of detrimental karmic patterns that we've been struggling with for years. But we have to work for these realizations. We have to dig for them. We have to hold our still little centres as they come to the surface. And we have to be willing to examine some pretty gnarly dynamics in our own minds and relations in order to get to them.  

During this extended transit of Mercury through Scorpio with Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, we are in a highly complex collective situation. At this point, most people understand that there is something very wrong with the artificial power structures on this planet. (People like me understand that these are not just wrong, but straight-up evil...) In many cases, we have a common goal and like minds as far as a consuming desire for justice, emancipation, and change in the face of corruption, greed, manipulation, and top-down control. But the divide-and-conquer tactics that keep the people weak and the powers-that-be strong are being played like a fiddle, and we are often fighting each other along identity politics lines, philosophical lines, or conventional political lines, instead of joining forces to battle, together, the true enemies of humankind. 

The real power web is global, takes on all political and institutional stripes, and has been doing its dirty deeds for thousands of years. This nasty and exclusive club hurts all “non-elite” people, no matter what the race, nationality, gender, sexuality, class, or lifestyle. It just hurts us all a little bit differently.  

As of the federal election on October 21, Canada is a nation just as divided as the United States of America.  

The alienation, rage, and hurt coming from Western Canadian provinces is at cacophony-level. Membership in a “Wexit” Facebook group – proposing the separation of the Western Canadian provinces from Canada – went from 6,000 members on October 21 to 200,000 and growing on October 22. 

The green energy agenda, in particular, is being rolled out top-down not to actually advance things on the energy front for humankind but to benefit certain oil interests over other oil interests, as well as to lock down green energy as their next frontier. This green agenda is about control of the resources and control of the people, the same as any top-down agenda. And thousands and thousands of Canadians are being thrown into the hell of unemployment, financial insecurity, and poverty in the process while a silver spoon elitist figurehead on Parliament Hill smirks and preens and sticks his tongue out for the camera while spending taxpayers' dollars and natural resource revenue like a teenager with Daddy's credit card. 

People are being hurt for false, manipulated ideals and for the profit of others, and this is not right, no matter what your political stripe.

Whether Brexit or Wexit, the desire for emancipation from the global fascist regime, from the New World Order, from whatever name you’d like to apply to it, is at a boiling point all over this planet. Most people instinctively and intuitively despise and oppose the top-down agendas of the global fascist “elite.” The people want to remove their blood, sweat, tears, and tax dollars from the corrupt machine as soon as possible. They want to take their work, their energy, and their lifesblood back, rather than continuing to feed the already-bloated coffers of those in the pyramid caps of corrupt and manufactured power.  

The question is: how to go about doing this when people are so divided along identity, political, and philosophical lines…and when so many are still looking to conventional political and media figures to take them there. (Won’t happen.) 

The desire for emancipation and autonomy from corrupt, violent, and top-down power is an ancient desire, a desire that burns in the collective soul of humanity. The people have been hideously oppressed, injured, and murdered by these power schemes for millennia. We’ve always known it. We’ve just never known quite how to stop it. And this is where we continue to exist today.  

It’s this complex and truly heartbreaking collective scenario that provides the backdrop for this deep-dive Mercury retrograde process in Scorpio.  

Unacknowledged Emotional Labour Becomes Too Heavy to Bear. Breaking Points Ahead…

Scorpio is a sign related to power dynamics. With dispositors Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn locked into a battle-to-the-breaking-point square aspect (exact November 5), the coercive and often invisible hand of illegitimate power is being highlighted within the structures and institutions as they exist, and this trickles down into the everyday lives of most people. 

We’re reaching some “fed up to here” points during this Mercury retrograde and Scorpio lunar cycle as far as the nasty scenarios that are being allowed to continue for the benefit of some over others. This is going on on both micro and macro levels, both personal and collective. With Mars transiting Libra and squaring Pluto in Capricorn, fairness (Libra) is a strong desire (Mars), and there is often not much of that going around within the hierarchical power dynamics that dominate workplaces, institutions, and relationships/social settings of all kinds. 

Emotional labour is a key theme of this lunar cycle and Mercury retrograde. You know, the type of work that is rarely acknowledged and almost never fully financially compensated? This is often but not always the domain of women and of men who have stronger feminine/emotional/intuitive sensibilities. Many people doing the long-term heavy lifting on the emotional labour front are reaching their breaking points now. They’ve been operating at a deficit for as long as they possibly can. There is just not enough emotional energy to continue to prop up dysfunctional, top-down systems without something (or someone) giving way. Heeding our internal signals about how much emotional energy we are giving and when to pull
back on the reins is a key to success, and this continues to be a theme as we come closer to the exact Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees Capricorn on January 12, 2020. 

When it becomes a matter of our energetic/emotional survival, we find the courage and the motivation to make necessary changes and to draw new lines in the sand.

1 comment:

Willow said...

I'm, of course, not a fan of what the oil industry is getting away with (understatement), but this documentary is very interesting. I did know the pipeline protests were manipulated. No real, grassroots protests get that much mainstream media coverage! It's da Rockefellers.

Blocking certain oil interests to benefit other oil interests. It has nothing to do with the environment.

Over a Barrel: