We are in the thick of the Pluto (corruption/death) in Capricorn (business/hierarchy) years, and people are being placed under layers and layers of manufactured stress. These manufactured stresses often stem from corrupt institutions that are being accepted by people as normal, sane, and legitimate.
These corrupt institutions include the money system and stock markets, as well as business and governmental models.
People feel forced to play roles and to keep up in structures that are increasingly insane, inhumane, illegitimate, violent, deadly, and devoid of soul.
People are being ruled through fear, coercion, and artificially-stimulated adrenaline - a very weak foundation, indeed, which works to break people down over the course of time.
Many are unaware of the extreme emotional and psychological violence being perpetuated by these institutions and blame themselves solely for the troubles they are encountering.
All this can break the human psyche down pretty quickly. In fact, the manufactured pressures are designed to do just that.
In an attempt to cope, people are taking pharmaceuticals for which suicidal thoughts or actions are known side effects.
There is also a covert use of energy weapons and electromagnetic frequencies underway that is creating suicidal thinking and actions in people.
If you are feeling suicidal or are having suicidal thoughts, please know that you are not alone in what you are experiencing. It is a widespread phenomenon. Also know that you can move out of the most detrimental suicidal thinking with enough time, awareness, and support. It may require some changes in your life and in the way you think about things, but you can do it.
Suicidal thoughts are temporary - even if they last off-and-on for years. The problems you are experiencing are not as big or impossible as they seem to you, and many of them have been intentionally manufactured by forces outside yourself.
Please know that the pressures being intentionally heaped upon you are not of your doing. You have not created them. You have not done something terribly wrong. You are not a failure.
Hate the state, and hate its violence against life. Don't hate yourself.
Don't allow the state to trick you into hating yourself.
From a previous post:
"In a great many instances, institutions want you to fail. They train you to fail. Because they benefit from, make money from, your failure.
Institutions destroy people. They sometimes destroy people quickly. Usually, however, it's a slow, eroding, toxifying collapse over the course of time...
The current constructs and power dynamics have lost legitimacy in the minds of all but the most conditioned.
What you have to do, pretty babies, is destroy its importance in your mind before it destroys you.
Get out from under the psychological weight of it however you can.
Step right out from under it.
Annihilate it.
Because it will crush you if you give it the chance.
Whatever is oppressing you so heavily right now doesn't matter.
Whatever is stressing you out doesn't matter. It's bullshit. Take responsibility for what's yours and get rid of the rest. Give it up to the universe, your higher power, God.
You're what matters.
You are loved...
To a great extent, our institutions are devoid of humanity. But that doesn't mean we have to be...
One of the ways they crush us is by isolating us. They make us feel as if we're the only ones going through it, as if we're irretrievably damaged goods, as if we'll never have access to what's good in life.
Understand that whenever Pluto is involved, the roots of the situation are immensely complex. Each individual struggling is part of a massive Plutonic network struggling with the same thing...
We have to work to connect with each other, even though it's hard, and to love and care for each other, or they've got us. They've stripped us of one of the primary things that makes life worth living on this planet - our loving, compassionate humanity, given and received...
Understand, if you're going through hell, there are hundreds, thousands, millions more who are going through it right alongside you. They're living almost the exact same story...or worse.
You're never alone. Please reach out when you need to. Express what's going on to those you trust, even though it's hard.
They keep us isolated in shame and embarrassment. Feeling like damaged goods. Feeling abnormal. Don't be ashamed. There isn't one thing we need to be ashamed of. It's the ones enforcing this violence who should be ashamed."
The personal planets are now moving through Taurus and will make tough oppositions to Saturn Rx in Scorpio from the end of April through mid-June. This indicates a time period that could be quite rough on the self-esteem and self-worth.
"These oppositions indicate a time period (late April to mid-June) when resources are tight, money is tight, and accumulation is difficult. We are aware of this tightness even more than usual, and this can create points of acute frustration." You can read about this in more detail here: A New Moon Eclipse in Taurus and Themes of Complex and Hidden Value.
So we must buck that trend.
Please know that you are loved, and you are needed on this planet. You are worth so much more than any amount of money or material goods. You are so much more than a paycheque.
Please do not forget all the people who need your presence in this world. There are people you don't even know who are glad you are alive. You being on this planet makes life easier and better for so many - even people you have only met in passing, even the slightest of acquaintances, even people you haven't met in the flesh. You don't have to earn any money or live the high life to please these people. All you have to do is be you in the world and keep being you in the world.
Don't forget how much you are loved and how devastating it would be for you not to be here anymore.
And please check in with other people - even those you do not know well. A random kind word or light conversation can make all the difference in the world for someone feeling isolated and miserable.
You can write about anything you are experiencing in the comments section of this post or at The Wicked Web. Both these places are safe for people to be honest about what they (and we) are going through.