As we move through the first month of 2021, Jupiter and Saturn are traveling in conjunction through the first decan of Aquarius. The exact conjunction of these two bodies, initiating a new 20-year cycle, was exact on December 21, 2020 at 0 degrees Aquarius.
Aquarius is a sign related to technology, science, humanity, communities, friendship, global elements, win-win scenarios, humanitarianism, eugenics, and social engineering, among other things.
Saturn first cracked the seal on the sign of Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020. This period coincided with the rapid rollout of 5G infrastructure in countries around the world as the powers-that-be attempted to cement (Saturn) a technological advancement (Aquarius) that would provide them with unprecedented control over human beings, human communities, and life and energy on the planet. In effect, this was a concrete attempted takeover by the Technocracy, pushing a brand of globalized, top-down social engineering that would "transform" our societies and lives without our permission.
Saturn re-entered Aquarius on December 16, 2020 for a transit that lasts until March 7, 2023. Jupiter followed into the sign on December 19, 2020 for a year-long transit that lasts until December 29, 2021. With the addition of Jupiter in Aquarius, 2021 marks an attempted expansion of this technology-based control grid, along with lock-step advancement of Technocratic social engineering around the world.
All this is being described in glowing terms by the telecommunications industry, government, and mainstream media, as a highly benevolent (Jupiter) and much-needed advancement (Aquarius) for human society. They also talk about it as if it's a done deal. It isn't. Far from it.
I've written about Smart Cities, Technocracy, and the
importance of establishing our spiritual sovereignty in a recent
article: Spiritual Sovereignty as the Long Game Ahead of the Next Saturn-Pluto Conjunction
The Saturn in Aquarius transit leads almost seamlessly into the Pluto in Aquarius transit (March 2023 to January 2044). Pluto enters Aquarius on March 24, 2023, just as Saturn exits the sign.
With Saturn and now Jupiter in Aquarius, we're getting a sneak peek at the deadly (Pluto) possibilities of technology (Aquarius). We're getting a sneak peek at the social engineering and control planned for the Pluto in Aquarius years, including Smart City and Smart Farm life with the Internet of Things monitoring, tracking, surveilling, and then dictating our every move and even thought. These sneak peeks are showing us something very ugly, very inhumane, and very insane. If we don't become consciously aware of this - with full Plutonic awareness - the ugliness, inhumanity, and insanity will only deepen, dramatically, during the Pluto in Aquarius transit.
The 5G grid is exposing us to horrifically dangerous levels of electromagnetic radiation, levels to which human beings, animals, and plants have never before been exposed.
It is a proven fact that non-ionizing radiation causes biological effects leading to health damage and a staggering number of symptoms and diseases. You can see some of the studies showing this here, here, and here.
Let's be very clear about this:
5G exposure is making people sick.
5G exposure is killing people.
5G will continue making people sick and killing people as the levels of damaging frequency intensify. This is only the beginning of the utterly insane rollout of this global scheme.
Electromagnetically sensitive people, the elderly, and people with underlying health conditions are the 5G canaries in the coal mine, but the effects will not be limited to these groups, especially not long-term.
The planet that rules Aquarius, Uranus, is a very powerful influence over the next two-and-a-half decades. Uranus is currently transiting Taurus (March 2019 to April 2026), a transit we last experienced from 1934 to 1942. That period, of course, coincided with the Great Depression and the first years of World War II.
One factor in the terrible and deprived conditions of the Great Depression was new technology pushing people off the land. In that case, it was the introduction of tractors. The wonders of technology meant that much more food could be produced with many fewer people, and human beings were no longer considered necessary to the degree that they had been. Sharecroppers (tenant farmers) were forced off the land en masse. Many starved or lived in lifelong poverty and struggle afterward.
With Uranus now back in the sign of Taurus, a sign related to value, money, resources, food, agriculture, and the natural cycles and seasons of Earth, if we do not learn from history, we will certainly repeat it...and worse.
5G-Driven "Smart Farms" and "Precision Agriculture"
You see, the 5G scheme is not just for city folk. If this insanity went forward as planned, the Internet of Things would reach into rural areas, into farmyards, onto ranches, and into small towns all over the world.
It's being called "precision agriculture." (Smell the eugenics...)
This scheme would make farmers and ranchers obsolete on their own land via 5G-driven "Smart Farming."
You can call it Smart Farming, sustainable development, Agenda 2030, or The Great Reset. They're all one and the same, all rooted to the same driving desire for technocratic globalized control by the world's most wealthy.
It's about control through technology, and during Uranus's transit of Taurus, it's particularly about technocratic control of resources, including food and agriculture. Control the food, control the people.
Artificial intelligence, self-driving machinery, aerial drone crop spraying, SmartCows (yes, SmartCows), constant monitoring and tracking with the Internet of Things - and all with a heavy dose of radiation poisoning!
How long will it be before it is made mandatory to chip each animal in the herd and provide constant data on them?
10 Ways 5G Will Change Farming and Agriculture by Jamie Carter
"From crop drones to insect detection, the farms of the future will rely on 5G....
Cue agritech, which is about to get a boost from upcoming 5G-powered ‘precision agriculture’, such as 5G drones and connected farm machinery. “Agriculture is rapidly adopting transformative 5G technology to monitor the environmental conditions for optimum plant growth, and to track, feed, monitor livestock and even milk cows without human intervention,” says Professor Mak Sharma at Birmingham City University. “Other examples include the ploughing, sowing, feeding, health monitoring and harvesting of crops autonomously and without human intervention using 5G connected farm machinery.”"
"Without human intervention?"
Well, who needs humans at all anymore? Why stop at making ranchers and farmers obsolete, at destroying their soul's blood way of life, connected to the land and natural cycles of Earth?
Hell, these freaks are attempting to make biological human beings obsolete, period! A sorely outdated technology in desperate need of a transhumanist update. Yes, the plan is for human beings themselves to be merged with technology and connected to the Internet of Things, just one more source of data for the machine. They call it "neo-humanity," and if that doesn't put a chill up your spine, I don't know what would. Check out Initiative 2045.
It would be a rare independent farmer or rancher who could actually afford all these technological updates (or who would have any desire to farm or ranch in this way), so this is, of course, a further attempt at consolidating globalized corporate control of agriculture and food production and distribution.
Another point missing in this Smart Farm scheme is this: farming and ranching are a way of life, not just a job. They're about more than just ultra-efficiency and making money. This is physical, hands-on work, never meant to be done solely by machines.
This is true for the relationship most people have to work. People need meaningful work in their lives. They need to be productive. The scheme to create a fully automated world where human beings and human work are afterthoughts is a truly anti-human scheme.
Taxpayer-Subsidized 5G Satellites: Paying for Our Own Radiation Poisoning and Obsolescence While Making Billionaires Richer
The primary method by which the 5G-driven Smart Farm scheme would be rolled out in rural Canada and the U.S. is through Elon Musk's Starlink satellites.
Musk has an inherited position in the global Technocracy, as his grandfather Joshua Haldeman was head of Technocracy in Canada in the 1930s and 1940s - the last time Uranus transited Taurus.
Musk's SpaceX corporation has plans to put 12,000 5G satellites into the atmosphere, all beaming dangerous levels of frequency and electromagnetic radiation down to millions of user terminals on the ground while detrimentally altering the natural electromagnetic field of the entire planet. These 12,000 Starlink satellites are among more than 100,000 5G satellites planned by various groups and countries.
As of the end of November 2020, Musk's SpaceX corporation has launched more than 800 Starlink satellites, 16 batches in total with more going up regularly. Beta testing of these satellites began in October 2020 in lower Canada and upper United States, blanketing these areas with new electromagnetic radiation.
From Arthur Firstenberg:
"The 100,000 planned 5G satellites, each with a designed lifespan of 5 to 10 years, must be constantly de-orbited and replaced. This means that at least 10,000 satellites will have to be launched every year, forever into the future. If an average of 50 satellites can be launched on each rocket, that’s 200 rocket launches per year, just to maintain the satellites used for cell phones and Internet. And it means the de-orbiting of 10,000 worn out satellites per year, burning them up in the atmosphere and turning them into toxic dust and smoke. And that’s not counting the ever-increasing numbers of weather, research, tracking, monitoring, surveillance, military, and other kinds of satellites and missiles being launched in what will soon be a parade of rockets burning prodigious quantities of fossil fuels, punching holes in our atmosphere on a daily basis, and treating the source of all life as Earth’s largest garbage pit."
Adding to the criminality of this scheme is the fact that the people are paying for their own radiation poisoning and surveillance, not to mention the automation of their jobs, including farming and ranching via "precision agriculture." In other words, the people are paying to make themselves, their livelihoods, and their ways of life obsolete via the 5G scheme.
Taurus is a money sign, and during the Uranus in Taurus years, we simply cannot overstate the massive cash cow that is technology, particularly the trillion dollar 5G scheme. The world's billionaires and trillionaires are cashing in...hard. And just like the banking bailouts in 2008, there is a massive transfer underway of public money and taxpayers' dollars to the power elite.
The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has set aside $9 billion of taxpayers' money and public funds for the 5G rollout in rural areas, called the 5G Fund for Rural America.
"The Federal Communications Commission today launched the 5G Fund for Rural America, a 10-year, $9 billion program designed to help close the nation’s digital divide. The money will be used to expand 5G wireless broadband connectivity to areas of the United States that need this support, including regions without unsubsidized 4G LTE or 5G mobile broadband, and Tribal lands. Specifically, $680 million has been allocated for bidders focusing on Tribal lands.
That’s all part of Phase I, which has been budgeted $8 billion. Phase II provides $1 billion plus any unused money from the first round to build out 5G networks in support of precision agriculture. Any bidder that receives money from the 5G Fund agrees to establish 5G mobile broadband at speeds of at least 35/3 Mbps."
So at least $1 billion of public money is being used to bring in 5G networks that would specifically support Smart Farms in rural areas. The 5G scheme is also being foisted upon indigenous people with $680 million allocated for subsidies.
The Los Angeles Times has reported that Elon Musk's businesses have received $4.9 billion in government subsidies to date, though not all 5G-related. Musk's SpaceX has been granted $856 million by the FCC to extend 5G to rural America via Starlink satellites, which are untested over the long term. A very risky and dangerous investment of public funds, to say the least. Critics suggest that investment in fibre optic cables would have been a better long-term bet.
In just a single example, we see $44 million being gifted to Musk's SpaceX corporation to bring 5G to rural Mississippi:
Mississippi Skies May Soon Harbor SpaceX Satellites to Increase Internet Access by Julian Mills
The section of the report on millimetre waves begins on page 57. Findings:
damage to skin, internal organs, bone marrow, and lymphatic system
receptors in the skin are particularly affected
lowering of hemoglobin level
inhibited oxygen consumption rate of mitochondria
suppression of central nervous system
alteration of adrenal system and hormones
affects on liver, kidneys, heart, and brain
disruption of electron transport chain
changes in the protein spectrum of the blood
- reduced level of protein synthesis
"It is now recognized that COVID-19 causes blood clots, both in arteries and in veins. The cause for this appears to be multifactorial. The virus damages the cells that line the blood vessels, the endothelium, and causes an immune response which, in itself, may cause increased viscosity of the blood. Dr. Maria Pavlis, a cardiologist working in a suburban hospital of NYC, told me last night that most of their patients with COVID-19 are now being placed on blood thinners.
Where does EMF fit into the relationship between COVID 19 and blood clots?
Evidence that EMF can cause a reaction in endothelial
cells, increasing the risk for blood clot formation, was first described
in 2004. EMF exposure may also induce Rouleaux formation, a reversible
condition where red blood cells adhere to one another and become
stacked, one on top of the other like a stack of coins. This phenomenon
may occur with many conditions, including infections, connective tissue
diseases and cancer. Rouleaux formation can be associated with increased
viscosity of the blood and can cause the blockage of small arteries."
Saturn (control) in Aquarius (technology)
forms a series of three exact squares to Uranus in Taurus in 2021:
February 17 (7 degrees); June 14 (13 degrees); and December 23 (11
degrees). Throughout 2021,
we see clashing and frictional contact between the top-down plans for a
hyper-controlled, hyper-surveilled, and socially-engineered future, a
future that puts technological advances ahead of human needs and lives,
and the people who absolutely, positively will not live like that and or
allow it to happen on their watch.
This is a version of this article without the astrology:
Why Bill Gates owns the most farmland in America:
An article on Biden's proposed tax policy that would make it near-impossible to pass farms and ranches to offspring, allowing corporations to gobble up family farms:
The UN land grab coming through Canadian government:
I encourage people to read Mark M. Rich's book (available online for free or hard copy for purchase), New World War: Revolutionary Methods of Political Control. Rich is a targeted individual who has exposed the shift into technology-based warfare. This book was published in 2011, so it shows how well-developed this weaponized technology and weaponized energy was even ten years ago. The capabilities are well-advanced now and are coming together into a cohesive scheme with the 5G rollout.
This section is about high-powered lasers, and the part that is particularly disturbing is the use of Space-Based Lasers (SBL). If these lasers can destroy missiles, they can also destroy human targets and property.
"The US Air Force and the BMDO are currently funding the Space-Based Laser Integrated Flight Experiment (SBL-IFX) program, which aims to have high-powered lasers affixed to satellites by 2010.
The program team also consists of TRW, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing. Reportedly, these SBLs will be used to shoot down ICBMs [Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles] anywhere on the planet. A beam from an SBL will destroy a ballistic missile target in its boost-phase.
An SBL allows for missile interception by focusing and maintaining a high-powered laser on a target until it achieves catastrophic destruction. Up to 24 orbiting satellites would be equipped with an HF megawatt laser capable of shooting a beam of energy up to 5,000 kilometers.
The lasers will be able to destroy missiles in less than 10 seconds, and retarget in ½ second. According to the US Air Force, these systems will be capable of detecting and negating such targets anywhere in the world at anytime.
In June of 2004 under the heading, US Wants to Build Space Laser in Total Secrecy, in the Ottawa Citizen, the Canadian Military warned that the public is being misinformed regarding the progress and scope of the SBL program. They said that the program exists so that space could be dominated by the US and its allies. And that information regarding it would become increasingly scarce. This may be true, because according to the US Military, destroying missiles isn’t the only intended use for SBLs.
SBLs offer the capability to strike targets on the ground, says the DSB. The SBL will also be used for ground surveillance and reconnaissance, destroying enemy satellites, and airplanes. The SBL will be used in direct, offensive roles against adversarial targets, including the strategic interdiction of soft ground targets, and other military targets, says the US Air Force.
But an SBL isn’t required to send a beam of energy from a single source to anywhere on the planet. According to the Air Force, a ground-based or air-based laser weapons platform can use relay mirrors to accomplish this. With a minimum of three space-based mirrors, a laser beam originating from earth could be directed anywhere on the planet at the speed of light.
The mirrors can be either space-based attached to low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellites, or air-based attached to unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs. The US Air force says that such an arrangement allows for a ground-based laser to perform all the same functions as an SBL. In 1991 the Air Force’s relay mirror experiment successfully demonstrated that a laser can be shot from the ground to a mirror attached to a LEO and be reflected to a target on the surface of the planet."
We already know MuskBot 2030 is planning to put tens of thousands more satellites into orbit than are necessary for internet service. He's lining up the U.S. military as a customer.
"Musk has said SpaceX will need at least 400 Starlink satellites in orbit for "minor" broadband coverage, and 800 satellites aloft for "moderate" coverage. The initial Starlink plan called for a megaconstellation of 12,000 satellites, and SpaceX recenty filed paperwork with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to launch another 30,000 satellites. The ITU is a United Nations agency that manages the global satellite radio-frequency spectrum, among other things.
Ultimately, SpaceX may not need so many satellites in orbit for global coverage. But having them available will allow SpaceX to use some satellites for customized service, Shotwell said, according to SpaceNews.
One of those potential customers may be the U.S. military."
MuskBot is militarizing and weaponizing space while irradiating the ionosphere and planet with deadly electromagnetic frequencies.
Oh yeah, and his Tesla electric cars will fry you, too.
How is this man being hailed a super green visionary who is saving the planet? Pure insanity.
"6G vision for 2030" - The SmartHuman (TM) Life
Nooooooooooooo thank you!
This horror show is based in the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the "Sustainable Development Goals." The creation of Smart Cities, Smart Humans, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of Humans are all elements of this top-down global scheme.
This is the vision for Digitized Dystopian Hell on Earth.
The real purpose of the StarLink satellite scheme involves "space-based military intelligence and surveillance." This will also keep rural people under surveillance more easily. I watch in horror as rural people applaud Elon Musk as some sort of "hero of the working class" while he is basically shutting them into an electronic cage. Lasers can also be attached to low-orbit satellites. I'm not sure if StarLink satellites could be used for this reason.
"Taran highlighted the importance of utilizing space-based technology for Ukraine’s security interests, noting that it would allow for better monitoring of its borders and other areas of strategic interest. He also noted that the technology would allow for better intelligence gathering and analysis, allowing the country to respond quickly to threats and other potential dangers.
The new space-based surveillance and intelligence system is expected to be deployed within a few years. It will be used to monitor Ukrainian borders, airspace, and other areas of strategic importance. The system will also be used to detect potential threats and hostile activity, with the aim of deterring such activity before it occurs..."
In November 2020, United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced an increased investment in the 5G-driven techno-military, including directed energy weapons, artificial intelligence, and surveillance. SmartMilitary, SmartPolice, SmartSurveillance. This is no conspiracy theory. The "Global Government" is actually quite blatant about its plans. These plans are global, and the same technology and weaponry will be used on people domestically.
"Our new investments can be focused on the technologies that will revolutionize warfare, forging our military assets into a single network designed to overcome the enemy. So a soldier in hostile territory will be alerted to a distant ambush by censors or satellites or drones, instantly transmitting a warning using artificial intelligence to devise the optimal responses, offering an array of options from summoning an airstrike to ordering a swarm attack by drones or paralyzing the enemy with cyber weapons. New advances will surmount the old limits of logistics. Our warships and combat vehicles will carry directed energy weapons destroying targets with inexhaustible lasers. For them, the phrase "out of ammunition" will become redundant. Nations are racing to master this new doctrine of warfare, and our investment is designed to place Britain among the winners. The returns will go far beyond our armed forces from aerospace to autonomous vehicles, these technologies have a vast array of civilian applications."
Elon Musk's taxpayer-funded 5G Starlink satellite scheme is part of the further militarizing of space. He has already declared the U.S. military as a big customer.
From 2019: SpaceX's Starlink Broadband Service Will Begin in 2020: Report: The U.S. Air Force is already testing it in military planes.
"Musk has said SpaceX will need at least 400 Starlink satellites in orbit for "minor" broadband coverage, and 800 satellites aloft for "moderate" coverage. The initial Starlink plan called for a megaconstellation of 12,000 satellites, and SpaceX recenty filed paperwork with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to launch another 30,000 satellites. The ITU is a United Nations agency that manages the global satellite radio-frequency spectrum, among other things.
Ultimately, SpaceX may not need so many satellites in orbit for global coverage. But having them available will allow SpaceX to use some satellites for customized service, Shotwell said, according to SpaceNews.
One of those potential customers may be the U.S. military."
Creating the 5G-Driven Surveillance State
"Starlink, the satellite-based internet service from SpaceX, is set to revolutionize remote surveillance and security. With the ability to provide high-speed internet access to virtually any location on the planet, Starlink can enable organizations to monitor and protect their assets in even the most remote locations...
Finally, Starlink could be used to monitor remote areas for security threats. With its global coverage, Starlink could be used to detect and track suspicious activity in remote areas. This could be especially useful for governments and security agencies that need to monitor large areas for potential threats...
This is because the service can be used to monitor and detect suspicious activity, allowing authorities to respond quickly to any potential threats."
5G radiation is UNTESTED for long-term human exposure. These are some of the early case studies showing people getting ill around 5G antennae.
Seven case studies show that 5G is a health danger -
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