Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The North Node Enters Scorpio with Eros and Juno Conjunct: Attraction, Repulsion, Motivation, and Frenemies

North Node in Scorpio: August 30, 2012 - February 18, 2014

The North Node enters Scorpio August 30 for a 1.5-year stay, and things take a distinct turn for the serious. We shift from a jovial, Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius North Node to a stone cold reality-based one in Scorpio, from an expansive, optimistic guiding force to a condensed, concentrated, and gritty one.

The planets of greatest influence over our path during the next year-and-a-half are Mars and Pluto - both heavy hitters - and the movement, signs, and interactions of these bodies become keys to our successful navigation.

Mars is at home in Scorpio at the time of the nodal axis shift and will be there until October 6, the day after Saturn enters the sign. Mars changes signs about every 1.5 months. Pluto will be in Capricorn for the duration of the transit, forming squares to Uranus in Aries.

The North Node is considered indicative of our successful soul-driven navigational path forward and, in Scorpio, it indicates that the path to be carved out hinges on the proper development and application of the mad Scorpio skills: emotional, psychological, intuitive, metaphysical, and sexual.

From a previous post: "Scorpio is a healing energy. It intuitively knows where the trouble is and gets right to work, divining and digging to trigger multi-layered release points. It isn't just treating symptoms, either. Scorpio knows it's either go deep or go home, and it puts forth immense stores of energy to go to the mat for people, driving right to the root of the problems that keep them locked up, inauthentic, programmed, and less effective than they could otherwise be.

Scorpio digs the poisoned thorns out - and if it's masterful enough, it gets them all."

The South Node - an area of prior accolade and success but current stagnation and detriment - is now in Taurus, moving us away from a preoccupation with all things Taurean: Money. Dollar bills. Currency. Physical value. Accumulation. Impressive physical possessions. Maintaining tradition, security, stability, and comfort at all costs. The physical realm.

To stay encased in a South Node fortress of money, possessions, and toys at this point will bring escalating problems. Money and financial privilege as obsession/primary motivator can take people down now more than ever before.

The beneficial influence of the Taurus South Node, on the other hand, comes from channelling its strengths into the North Node path. Those strengths include: rock-solid boundaries, strong self-worth, money sense, grounding, practicality, an understanding of natural timing, and a strong sense of one's comfort level.

We aren't in a very comfortable place on this planet, and with this nodal axis, very few will be able to deny it. Where Taurus is about accumulation and physical comfort, Scorpio is about what we need to peel away, get rid of. It's about the necessity to face realities and issues that sometimes scare us or make us uncomfortable.

An intensive and relentless Scorpionic examination of power dynamics is the only way we can avoid becoming trapped and enmeshed in those power dynamics.

With the North Node (as well as Saturn by early October) in Scorpio, the tone moves to the deep, the dark, the stone cold reality-based. Things are not simple. We're rooting out, examining, and breaking deeply-ingrained detrimental patterns and power configurations, navigating periods of intense emotional and psychological stress.

The state of this planet is traumatizing, to say the least (if you're at all aware of what's going on and what has gone on). We're seeing the breakdown of people and societies under intentionally-created stress and trauma. We're seeing levels of denial being razed in one fell swoop as people realize they aren't going to have the lives they thought they were going to have - especially materially (Taurus South Node). The middle class is being demolished, and wealth becomes further concentrated at the top of the pyramid schemes.

Under this nodal axis, the most crucial and far-reaching imperatives of the soul - harsh as they often are - now rule over the imperatives of the bank account. We move into a time of stripping down, of deconstruction. Those most successful during this time period will look for directives from their own souls, from their deepest intuition and drives, rather than wasting energy trying to keep up with the Joneses down the block.

With the North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus, there is a rapid re-valuing of Scorpio energy and skills. You can read more about that in this post from Scorpio season 2011: The Bodies in Scorpio Oppose Jupiter Rx in Taurus: A Conscious Re-Valuing of Soul Energy and Scorpio's Mad Skillz in the Nether-Realms

We have to be keenly aware of what makes people tick under these transits of Scorpio. We have to watch our emotional, psychological, and psychic stress levels closely and those of others, allowing for controlled releases of the tension when possible.

The North Node enters Scorpio August 30 from one end of the sign (29 degrees). Saturn enters October 5 from the other end (0 degrees). They will meet, along with Venus, just before fall equinox 2013.

There is a drawing together and consolidation of resources, energy, and catalytic potential over this upcoming year, culminating in a Saturn-Venus-North Node conjunction at 8 degrees Scorpio on September 18, 2013. People with specific metaphysical skill sets are being drawn together during this upcoming year for the purpose of deep structural change on this planet.

However, this is also a time period when joining forces and merging resources with the wrong people or in the wrong ways can take you down. Hard.

Asteroid of erotic love, Eros, and soul mate asteroid Juno are currently transiting Scorpio and come together with the North Node in a potent conjunction September 12-13, 2012 on the inky, distilled final degree of the sign.

A tone is being set here, kicking off both the North Node and Saturn transits of Scorpio, by this meeting of Eros and Juno on the 29th degree. These two asteroids have some very spicy chemistry between them, particularly in Scorpio, and things are being catalyzed in this, the most feared and hated sign of the zodiac.

(All this goes down with Uranus Rx and Pluto Rx backing into their second exact square in Aries/Capricorn September 18.)

With Eros and Juno conjunct on the last degree of Scorpio, we're picking up on threads related to love, eroticism, soul connection, commitment, sexuality, attraction, repulsion, and disgust that could take the full 2.5 years of the Saturn in Scorpio transit to unravel. We're picking up on the specific flavours of energy exchange that will be successful in the coming years, as well as those that will not be successful.

Attraction. Repulsion. Love. Hate. Desire. Disgust. Obsession. Addiction. The Hidden. The Taboo. The Sexual. The Erotic.

Scorpio is a sign, co-ruled by Mars and Pluto, that involves complex attractions. Mars is the planet of personal desire, attraction, and sexuality, while Pluto involves attractions of the soul, designed to draw us into deep (and sometimes hellish horrifying) processes of change and metamorphosis. Plutonic attractions catalyze a process that leaves us in an altered, yet ultimately stronger and more powerful, state, not the same as we once were. In Scorpio, we experience the interplay between personal will and transpersonal will, personal desire and transpersonal desire, what we want and what is wanted for and from and through us.

Plutonic attractions are often both magnetic, drawing us like moth to flame, and repulsive. One side of the magnet attracts; the other repells. With Pluto involved, we experience both. There is an intricate interplay, and it doesn't take much to turn passionate love into passionate hate and vice versa.

There is a theme with Scorpio and Pluto of being attracted to those we secretly (or not-so-secretly) hate. This attraction brings us into contact, again and again, with people and situations that disgust, horrify, and enrage...but also fascinate, titillate, and compel. We hate ourselves for being attracted, but it's difficult (though not impossible) to break away.

There is a strong sexual element related to the sign of Scorpio, and as Saturn transits Scorpio over the next 2.5 years, responsibility (Saturn) for sexual energy (Scorpio) becomes a major theme. Sexual energy is being horrifically misused and abused on this planet. Millions of people, mostly women and girls, are living in miserable hovels as sex slaves all around this planet. Women are forced to sell their bodies in dangerous and degrading circumstances around the world. It is still considered far less bad when a prostitute is murdered than an upstanding soccer Mom. "Hookers" can still be made the butt of misogynistic jokes, even in these politically correct times. And in more socially-accepted ways, women trade their sexual energy and bodies for financial privilege, physical comfort, and the insulating confines of traditional marriage.

Does any of this change the tenor of your own sexual energy and desires? Your own sexual forays and motives? Does it bring a certain seriousness and maturity to your sexual expression?

These are themes and connections we look at much more closely over the next years.

The theme of frenemies is also strong with the sign of Scorpio, particularly with Eros and Juno coming into close contact on the anaretic degree of the sign.

Do I like you, or do I hate you...or both? Do I support you, or do I undermine you...or both? Do I want to run in your crowd, or do I want to turn everyone against you...or both?

With the anaretic asteroid-based focus on the Scorpio North Node path, there's a sort of "final showdown" feeling building toward mid-September. Dynamics that have been not-quite-right for a while start to come to a head, and we have the ability to proactively clear some of the slate ahead of Saturn entering Scorpio.

Frenemies: get rid of them - or, conversely, get wise to them and use their energy to your benefit.

There's some of that Scorpionic ruthlessness we're all going to come to understand so well over the next few years.


Cairo said...

I'm packing heat when I hand out the trick or treats this year.

Anonymous said...

Willow by any chance you are the "PLUTO" in tricked form ? :)

You can't put better then this in words. I am awaiting to read your Saturn ingress to scorpio post.

Deb said...

I think I've been feeling these energies way early. It's difficult (impossible, really) for me to like someone and not-like them at the same time. It's one or the other for me. Either I'm attracted or repulsed. Exceptions are not liking something someone does or says-- that's normal. People aren't perfect. I'm not.

There are a couple of people I've grown to really not like over the past few months though, and even that's been very difficult. But I'm coming to terms with it. I mean not-liking someone doesn't mean I want to stab them or anything which it seems dumbasses easily choose to believe about Scorpio/Pluto energy.

Um, nope. I suggest some people stop puffing themselves up all high and mighty, thinking that they're gonna crush my spirits or the spirit of those I love. Because I use just about all energy that comes my way to my or someone's benefit out there! Believe it.

And I see d-bags coming from miles away now. So... :)

Yeah, that's right.

Great post, Willow!

-- Deb

Willow said...

Pluto is my homeboy.

Honestly, my Saturn in Scorpio post is so gold, I don't even know if I want to give it to the world.

I'm not bragging. That's just the stone, cold reality.

Anonymous said...

But if you do,it does benefits this world.

Anonymous said...

I'm a scorpio sun in house 8. I know exactly what you mean by attraction-repulsion. Been feeling this for someone the last 11 years, a scorpio too. Sometimes, when this energy is high, its all consuming. ALL consuming. My pisces acd hates it, but I love it. Great post Willow!

Anonymous said...

Ms Willow, brag on....cause no one sez it better or clearer than you!
"Under this nodal axis ONLY the most crucial and far-reaching IMPERATIVES of the SOUL now RULE over the imperatives of the BANK ACCOUNT". I can hear the applause, please take a bow Ms. Willow.

Deb said...

Go, Willow! You should be proud of your work :)...

Poetik said...

Hmmmm, Willow, how do you suggest one experiencing the transit of the North node conjunct the natal South Node (and given, the SN conjuncting my natal NN)? I think I read somewhere this is a half - nodal return? Though I have yet to do more research on the topic. You give suggestions for how to use Taurus South Node to gauge growth the NN is facilitating... but how about in when it's my case? Where else in my chart could I access the resources to get through such a transit?

Also, I just have to share that the conjunction at the 29th degree of juno, scoprio, and eros, is conjunct my natal Eros, conjunct my SN (natal).

Could this be fascinating times or what?!


Poetik said...

I forgot to mention, the conjunction of juno eros and NN takes place in my 7th house

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are right on here.Came to work and the Director and I were terminated.The Regional Director could not tell us why-he would give out reference etc...was SO sorry..blah blah blah....kauai

Anonymous said...

This cycle is going to really dredge out a lot of demons for folks who have the SN in Scorpio, along with Cardinal planets getting the once-over from transiting Uranus /Pluto. Cancer moon folks getting beaten up by Pluto, who have the NN/SN stuff going on - boy will that be fun.
Sounds like a great time to join a gym and take up kickboxing - gotta channel all that heavy energy into something other than wanting to beat the tar out of misogynistic men, or throw shoes at the television when we see stuff that disturbs us...

Deteriorata said...

Personally I'm a bit dubious about the energy of Mars and the NN hitting my natal SN at the same time. More than a bit dubious. I've also got natal moon in Cancer which is getting smacked around by Pluto and Uranus. My mantra as of late has become "let it go" or "let go.." - I chant it when I find myself getting pulled into obsessive thought. At the end of September I'll also be getting a T Venus opposition to my N Venus (square N Neppy) along with this karmic gift - so yeah.. "let it go.." "let go.." "release..." else the universe will pry those habits out of your stiff little fingers..

Anonymous said...

Like many others, feeling the shift already, its quite a noticeable one. I will be interested to see what happens when the saturn venus nth node conjunctions occurs as it is exact conjunct my natal neptune quite a few other aspects, including and inconjunct to hekate, who always makes sure i remember she's there. yeah i n t e r e s t i n g...

Anonymous said...

Here is to all the Saturn in Scorpio babies from 1983 to 1995!!!

Happy Saturn returns xoxox! :-)

Anonymous said...

Willow has the most precise insights i have seen on the web in over 12 years.

Lead the way willow! The world needs people like you!

Many thanx! xo

Willow said...

Thanks, Anon 8:44. Appreciate that.

Kauai - It leaves a bad taste in one's mouth but is probably a blessing in disguise, all things considered.

Anonymous said...

Willow, as ever and always, such passion and dedication in sharing your thoughts on planetary movements. Really appreciate them.

As posted by others, I'm feeling the rise of energy, pretty focused at that. With somewhat surprise, I just realized I'm going to have a full house over the next while. Natal Sun/Moon/Chiron in Scorpio/9th house...tossing garbage and stocking the pantry. Whatever kind of ride it will be, magick will be working!

Thanks again.

Rocky Racoon said...

I must be a very bizarre person - I underwent the obsessive platonic love/hate divisive love-your-enemy till it hurts (and it did) nonsense during Saturn in Virgo - then opted to move 3 states away. Now am quite cured :D

Either I should really fear this coming Saturn Scorpio or I will be scott free :D :D

Thanks so much for all your awesomeness Willow. I will return to gauge your general opinions on Saturn in Scorpio & can't wait to hear more. I have somehow come to rely on you to get through these cosmic road(block)s

Hermannaeus said...

"And in more socially-accepted ways, women trade their sexual energy and bodies for financial privilege, physical comfort, and the insulating confines of traditional marriage."

Truthfully, why is traditional marriage considered so repulsive these days? What is so wrong with a woman exchanging her love, devotion, adoration, and yes even her body in return for a man's protection, provision and direction. I would love to come home from my place of employment and have the house clean, a meal ready and my children well tended to. This is not bondage, it's order!

I've recently come to terms with this after years of the emasculating tenets of Feminism through the effects of my Saturn return. Saturn the planet of RESTRICTION and DISCIPLINE wants to limit or actions and give us direction. Marriage is a perfect example of an orderly formation. You make the conscience decision to choose one partner for life and build on that foundation. These days it's almost trendy to live a life of dysfunction having almost unlimited choices.

Willow said...

"I would love to come home from my place of employment and have the house clean, a meal ready and my children well tended to. This is not bondage, it's order!"


Maybe your wife would like those things, too.

Get to steppin'.