Friday, March 4, 2011

Lucky 13 New Moon in Pisces

The Moon is dark in Pisces at the moment, and at fin-de-Pisces, this sign is home to many a deep, dark, watery grave. Spelunking around in them as we have been during this Balsamic Moon is not the most fun thing I can think of.

There are six bodies in Pisces right now - Chiron, Mars, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury and Uranus - and folks, plain and simple, that's just too much Pisces. The dark moon in this sign has had a nasty emotional undertow, easily sucking us under and into the abyss if we have not been careful.

Luckily, the first light cracks this afternoon at 2:46 p.m. Central as we experience the fifth in a series of six thirteenth degree New Moons. The denied feminine realities of the thirteenth witch come bobbing up to the surface. These ones relate to the hidden spiritual realities, especially of suppressed feminine knowledge and power, bound, gagged and imprisoned within the masculine-dominated spiritual hierarchies, belief structure traditions and lineages.

We're busting out.

The North Node has slid just inside Sagittarius territory to the 29th degree as we begin carving out our soul-directed tracks according to what WE really believe and know.

This isn't your standard, classist ivory tower religion and philosophy. That's not real Sagittarius, anyway. This is real higher education, based in the experience and knowledge that rings through our every cell, collected through the totality of rich, human experience on this planet. This is our candle in the window, the faith that sustains and guides us through the worst storms. Where we are now.

As the North Node shifted from Capricorn to Sagittarius March 3 for an 18-month stay, the heavenly body key to our successful navigation, called the dispositor, shifted from Saturn (constriction, restriction, challenges, delays, maturation, tests) to Jupiter (expansion, inspiration, broadening horizons, quest for freedom, grace).

Until June 4 when it enters Taurus, our Sagittarian path forward is coloured deeply by Jupiter's transit of Aries (self, will, action), just coming out of its final square to Pluto in Capricorn.

This isn't your standard following of a laid-out belief system. This is raw, this is primal, this is based in deep-down survival - of the soul, of the identity, of the physical self - in the face of forces that actively seek to snuff them out.

This is leaving the controlled and controlling hierarchical belief structures on their asses and going our own way.

"Always, there will be an impetus on reframing and transforming belief systems, making them relevant for the current moment and situation, shaking valuable kernels of truth out of the dogmatic, masculine-heavy belief structure hierarchies that exist almost across the board at this point in human history."

This theme increases greatly in strength this spring as the bodies shift from Pisces to Aries, and we swing into a massive trine of the Sagittarius North Node during the first two weeks of May when Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries and then Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries trine the Sadge North Node and light the fire in a big way for everyone.

Mercury moves from Pisces to Aries March 9 before turning retrograde March 29 until April 22. Then we have our main event - Uranus re-entering Aries March 11. The Sun enters Aries March 20 for a Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere) that has the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus in the sign of the ram.

But Mars entering Aries and its domicile April 1 really gets the show on the road.

Know yourself, trust what you know implicitly and put it into action - those are the marching orders for Spring 2011.


wotching said...

Finally. Your writing is a such breath of fresh air Willow. I really love it.

Now the work begins.

I'm floating on all this water as best I can, trying to find some terra firma within to keep steady and not drown.

Be well out there in central Canada!

Anonymous said...

We in Kauai, have not seen our sun or bright blue skies for many weeks..covered with a thick toxic coat of blue grey and white..a macabre take on a baby blanket that lays over us..we are bring us important we huddle around and pass on here..we await..we know we will help us see the grand movements of above..cycles..we are blinded now to our stars and skies..thankyou so much..

Willow said...

I know. It's a sad state of affairs when we have to read about the moon on a computer screen. It's like huddling around the radio during war times to here some news giving us some sort of direction amidst the insanity.

I hope your skies clear tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

A famous greek writer, nikos kazantzakis once said "i hope nothing, i fear nothing, i'm free".
With this new moon conjunct my ascendand, his words keep me calm.
Its nice to know we're busting out!