Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today in the Astro News...

Jupiter in Pisces (conjunct Uranus) is opposing Saturn in Virgo today at 27 degrees of the signs. Saturn is grinding to a halt as it stations direct May 30, increasing the tightness and constriction that Saturn in Virgo does so well.

This aspect is the planet of expansion and broadening our horizons, especially related to the spiritual track that is going to lead us into the future from here (Jupiter in Pisces conjunct Uranus), opposing the planet of necessary restriction, obstacles and maturation in the sign of painstaking detail (Saturn in Virgo). We're being pulled insistently in opposing directions by the planets in these mutable signs with lots of adaptive responses to the changing energetic conditions necessary.

The Moon in Virgo today joins in on the fun, conjuncting Saturn and opposing Jupiter and Uranus.

Venus in Cancer is also about to oppose Pluto in Capricorn tomorrow night on 4 degrees of the signs. This is the same degree of the super potent cardinal T-square and Full Moon Capricorn eclipse coming up next month.

I've been using the "f" word a little more than usual the past couple days, which always signals to me a Pluto aspect coming exact! And yes, lo and behold, there it is - Venus and Pluto opposing (9:15 p.m. MT tomorrow). Venus has already opposed Ceres Rx in Capricorn, which brings Ceres into the mix - some early action preceding next fall's Venus retrograde in Scorpio when Pluto and Ceres come together with the North Node in early Capricorn.

This Venus transit of early Cancer for the next few days is giving us a preview of the upcoming energies.

So if you need a little hidey hole to hunker down in or a place to express some of that Plutonic pressure, may I suggest Willow's Worldwide Astro Karass (post below)?

The Moon enters lovely Libra at 8:50 p.m. tonight and should provide a little relief and a brief chance to come back to a state of emotional balance.

Use this window well because the Moon very quickly forms a cardinal T-square with Venus in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. Any relating issues stirred up here are, again, precursor to this summer's intense cardinal squares.

We're going to have to take our breathers when-so-ever we can because the intensity just keeps coming.

Zen masterdon, here we come.

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