Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Moon Enters Aquarius and We Can Almost Kiss This Eclipse Season Goodbye!

The Moon just entered Aquarius, and we're now heading to the third and final eclipse of this eclipse season.


This one is a Full Moon penumbral lunar eclipse at 13 degrees Aquarius tomorrow evening at 6:55 p.m. MDT. The Sun, of course, will be opposite the Moon at 13 Leo.

This has been one long and intense eclipse season. We generally only have two eclipses every five or six months. This time we've had three.

We also had two New Moons in Cancer to contend with at the first and last degrees of the sign - something else that is somewhat out-of-the-ordinary. The first New Moon in Cancer was not an eclipse, but it did kick off eclipse season with an exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, carrying the Plutonic vibe into the entire process.

Cancer is a sign related to the past, our roots. It likes tradition and comfort and familiarity, so we basically required book-end New Moons in the sign as well as a triple eclipse season to break us out of old emotional molds and recast our emotional anchors in light of what's up ahead.

It was very emotional and pretty rough.

After tomorrow, we're done with eclipses until December 31, 2009. New Year's Eve! That one will be a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Cancer - so the new emotional cycle we started with the recent New Moons will culminate at that time.

We also have a New Moon solar eclipse January 15, 2010 in Capricorn...

Anyway, I feel pretty celebratory! We should gain some objectivity and intellectual detachment around our emotions with this Moon in Aquarius, which is quite a relief after the past month-and-a-half. I for one am looking forward to a little perspective on where things stand now. Mercury, in early Virgo - a sign it rules - should also help us cut through remnant confusion and put things in order, detail by detail.

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