Tuesday, July 20, 2021

COVID-19 Outbreak Reported in 100 Fully-Vaccinated Sailors on NATO's first 5G Aircraft Carrier, the HMS Queen Elizabeth


Britain's new HMS Queen Elizabeth is the very first 5G (5th generation wireless) NATO aircraft carrier, packed with military communications equipment. The HMS Queen Elizabeth is currently on its first operational deployment, a world tour, and a COVID-19 outbreak has been reported onboard, affecting around 100 sailors. All sailors and crew have had two doses of the Covid shot. 

The flagship aircraft carrier set sail on May 22, 2021, leading six Royal Navy ships, a Royal Navy submarine, a U.S. Navy destroyer, and a frigate from the Netherlands on a seven-month, multi-country show of military might. 

The illness outbreak among sailors onboard was first reported by the BBC on July 14, 2021. 

HMS Queen Elizabeth: Covid outbreak on Navy flagship 

by Jonathan Beale and Hazel Shearing, BBC News

"An outbreak of Covid-19 has been confirmed on the Royal Navy's flagship, HMS Queen Elizabeth.

The BBC has been told there have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier, which is part way through a world tour.

Several other warships in the fleet accompanying it are also affected.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said all crew on the deployment had received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and the outbreak was being managed." 

This raises questions about the possible links among the new 5G wireless infrastructure, increased radiation/frequency exposures onboard, and the outbreak of illness.

Again, the HMS Queen Elizabeth is the first NATO aircraft carrier equipped with 5G (5th generation) wireless, and on its first operational deployment, an outbreak of illness has been reported onboard.

UK takes back global role as HMS Queen Elizabeth deployed 'Back to projecting our power' 

by Tom Hussey, Express

"Defence secretary Ben Wallace told BBC Breakfast this morning that the new HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier will project British power to the world. Speaking live from Portsmouth, where the new NATO 5th generation warship will leave for operations next month, he explained how Britain is delivering on defence capability for NATO. The ship will be packed with high-end military equipment and be flanked by an array of ships, submarines and a Royal marines, Dutch and US armed forces presence...

The aircraft carrier, which is NATO’s first 5th generation aircraft carrier, was made in six shipyards across Britain."

We saw one of the first mass outbreaks of illness in early February 2020 onboard a Diamond Princess cruise ship. The Diamond Princess was also newly equipped with 5G wireless.

5G Radiation - Potential Cause of Covid-19 Pandemic 

by Paul Cook, The Legal Lens

"At the time of the Covid-19 outbreak on the ship, the Diamond Princess had satellite 5G technology called O3bm, which is a network of 20 satellites, which enables wireless communication technology, apparently at the frequency of 29 GHz. The ship’s dimensions are 290m x 48m x 62.5m (length, width, and height respectively). There were 3,711 people on board. Therefore, one can infer that that the 5G radiation density per person was higher on the Diamond Princess than in a more dispersed population inside a city or country.

According to the American Center for Disease Control (CDC), out of the “3,711 Diamond Princess passengers and crew, 712 (19.2%) had positive test results for SARS-CoV-2 . . . . Of these, 331 (46.5%) were asymptomatic at the time of testing. Among 381 symptomatic patients, 37 (9.7%) required intensive care, and nine [or ten] (1.3%) died”."

Chronology of COVID-19 Cases on the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship and Ethical Considerations: A Report From Japan 

Princess Cruises to Have First Fleet With SES’s O3b mPOWER Network by Rachel Jewett, satellitetoday.com

"Princess Cruises, a brand of the Carnival Corporation, will become the first global cruise ship fleet with early access to SES‘s O3b mPOWER network, offered for its Princess MedallionClass, the company announced Monday. The company says that Princess MedallionClass will be fully active on 11 ships by the end of 2020, with a new ship activated every 60 days...

Princess said that O3b mPOWER will ensure that its MedallionClass Ships are not constrained by traditional bandwidth capacity plans. SES will keep bandwidth ahead of demand with multi-Gbps capacity whenever and wherever needed."

Two studies have shown a correlation between countries with early 5G technology and mass illness outbreaks (being diagnosed as COVID-19).

Scientific Research: COVID-19 Attributed Cases and Deaths are Statistically Higher in States and Counties with 5th Generation Millimeter Wave Wireless in the USA 

April 2021


COVID-19-attributed case and death rates for the U.S.A. were analyzed through May 2020 in three ways – for all 50 states, the country’s largest counties, and the largest counties in California – and found to be statistically significantly higher for states and counties with compared to those without 5G millimeter wave (mmW) technology. 5G mmW index was a statistically significant factor for the higher case and rates in all three analyses, while population density, air quality and latitude were significant for only one or two of the analyses. For state averages, cases per million were 79% higher (p = 0.012), deaths per million were 94% higher (p = 0.049), cases per test were 68% higher (p = 0.003) and deaths per test were 81% higher (p = 0.025) for states with vs. without mmW. For county averages, cases per million were 87% higher (p = 0.005) and deaths per million were 165% higher (p = 0.012) for counties with vs. without mmW. While higher population density contributed to the higher mean case and death rates in the mmW states and counties, exposure to mmW had about the same impact as higher density of mmW states on mean case and death rates and about three times as much impact as higher density for mmW counties on mean case and death rates. Based on multiple linear regression, if there was no mmW exposure, case and death rates would be 18-30% lower for 5G mmW states and 39-57% lower for 5G mmW counties. This assessment clearly shows exposure to 5G mmW technology is statistically significantly associated with higher COVID-19 case and death rates in the U.S.A. The mechanism–should this be a causal relationship–may relate to changes in blood chemistry, oxidative stress, an impaired immune response, an altered cardiovascular and/or neurological response."

Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks 

March/April 2020


1. The results obtained demonstrate a clear and close relationship between the rate of coronavirus infections and 5G antenna location.
2. This study does not analyse the beneficial or harmful effects on humans of 5G electromagnetic radiation. However, it does indicate a possible cause-effect in the current pandemic.
3. A “border effect” is significant, original and unique to this pandemic: it presents marked differences between contiguous states with and without 5G installation. it is particularly significant that the countries bordering China have very low rates of infection. One may also compare between Mexico and the USA or between Portugal and Spain, etc.
4. The case of San Marino is particularly significant. It was the first state in the world to install 5G and therefore, the state whose citizens have been exposed to 5G radiation the longest, and suspiciously, the first state in the world with infections. The probability of this happening is 1 in 37,636.
5. In the cities studied, Madrid, Barcelona and New York, this correlation is also observed. In the study of the city of Barcelona (pp. 7-8), it can be seen that the socio- economic factor plays a significant role.2
6. It is very significant that on the African continent, with scarce health resources but without 5G, the rate of infection is very low, except for some antennas in South Africa, which also presents the highest rates of infection in Africa.
7. The rates of infection are diluted. The rates of some regions are influenced by cities with 5G, but the rates of infection of these cities are diluted in those of the region to which they belong. So it is more significant, as is the case of Spain, to compare uniprovincial autonomous regions, than among those that are formed by 3 or more of the old provinces. Thus we see that some regions with 5G such as Rioja, Madrid and Navarra, have rates between 4 and 8 times higher than others without 5G. The same is true in other cities around the world where the 5G network does not cover the entire territory of the state or region.
8. These data and results have the value of being taken “in vivo”, not based on prospective or laboratory studies. Never before have we had so much epidemiological information about a disease in humans to be able to produce scientific studies. A means of answering the question of cause and effect would be to disconnect the 5G networks, at least as a preventive measure, and see the results of the evolution of cases of coronavirus. So would studying the rate of infection in a state that declared a 5G moratorium after the pandemic started and studying if the statistics change. Given the evidence presented here, the data and conclusions of this study urgently need to be given due consideration. Given the current gravity of the pandemic, the media and political and health authorities have a responsibility to take urgent action. A failure to act in the face of the findings of this study could be considered negligent at the very least and very possibly criminal."
This is a further study looking at the possible link between the 5G wireless rollout and mass illness outbreaks:

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G

"By crossing boundaries between the disciplines of biophysics and pathophysiology, we present evidence that WCR [wireless communications radiation] may: (1) cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that can contribute to hypercoagulation; (2) impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders."

Data from Arthur Firstenberg's book, The Invisible Rainbow

Epidemics and Pandemics Correlating to Dramatic Increases in the Electrification of the Earth

From the beginning of the mass illness outbreaks, the possible connection to 5G radiation/frequency sickness has been intensely and viciously censored. People talking about the possible connection have been attacked, mocked, and removed from social media, and this continues to current day. 

BITCHUTE VIDEO: COVID-19 Outbreak Reported in 100 Fully-Vaccinated Sailors on NATO's First 5G Aircraft Carrier, the HMS Queen Elizabeth

Ban 5G (and Beyond) Worldwide! Action Group at MeWe

Read all 5G articles from Willow's Web Astrology


Willow said...

I think this might be a Willow's Web Astrology scoop here, people.

Sky said...

Good catch !

Have you used this neat 5g locator?


I just found it and wanted to share with you

Willow said...

Yes, I have, thanks! It's the best one out there, I think, but it is still not updated fully. People have said their own tower is not listed, etc.

Willow said...

"6G vision for 2030" - The SmartHuman (TM) Life

Nooooooooooooo thank you!

This horror show is based in the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the "Sustainable Development Goals." The creation of Smart Cities, Smart Humans, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of Humans are all elements of this top-down global scheme.

This is the vision for Digitized Dystopian Hell on Earth.


Willow said...

The real purpose of the StarLink satellite scheme involves "space-based military intelligence and surveillance." This will also keep rural people under surveillance more easily. I watch in horror as rural people applaud Elon Musk as some sort of "hero of the working class" while he is basically shutting them into an electronic cage. Lasers can also be attached to low-orbit satellites. I'm not sure if StarLink satellites could be used for this reason.

"Taran highlighted the importance of utilizing space-based technology for Ukraine’s security interests, noting that it would allow for better monitoring of its borders and other areas of strategic interest. He also noted that the technology would allow for better intelligence gathering and analysis, allowing the country to respond quickly to threats and other potential dangers.

The new space-based surveillance and intelligence system is expected to be deployed within a few years. It will be used to monitor Ukrainian borders, airspace, and other areas of strategic importance. The system will also be used to detect potential threats and hostile activity, with the aim of deterring such activity before it occurs..."

In November 2020, United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced an increased investment in the 5G-driven techno-military, including directed energy weapons, artificial intelligence, and surveillance. SmartMilitary, SmartPolice, SmartSurveillance. This is no conspiracy theory. The "Global Government" is actually quite blatant about its plans. These plans are global, and the same technology and weaponry will be used on people domestically.


"Our new investments can be focused on the technologies that will revolutionize warfare, forging our military assets into a single network designed to overcome the enemy. So a soldier in hostile territory will be alerted to a distant ambush by censors or satellites or drones, instantly transmitting a warning using artificial intelligence to devise the optimal responses, offering an array of options from summoning an airstrike to ordering a swarm attack by drones or paralyzing the enemy with cyber weapons. New advances will surmount the old limits of logistics. Our warships and combat vehicles will carry directed energy weapons destroying targets with inexhaustible lasers. For them, the phrase "out of ammunition" will become redundant. Nations are racing to master this new doctrine of warfare, and our investment is designed to place Britain among the winners. The returns will go far beyond our armed forces from aerospace to autonomous vehicles, these technologies have a vast array of civilian applications."

Elon Musk's taxpayer-funded 5G Starlink satellite scheme is part of the further militarizing of space. He has already declared the U.S. military as a big customer.

From 2019: SpaceX's Starlink Broadband Service Will Begin in 2020: Report: The U.S. Air Force is already testing it in military planes.

"Musk has said SpaceX will need at least 400 Starlink satellites in orbit for "minor" broadband coverage, and 800 satellites aloft for "moderate" coverage. The initial Starlink plan called for a megaconstellation of 12,000 satellites, and SpaceX recenty filed paperwork with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to launch another 30,000 satellites. The ITU is a United Nations agency that manages the global satellite radio-frequency spectrum, among other things.

Ultimately, SpaceX may not need so many satellites in orbit for global coverage. But having them available will allow SpaceX to use some satellites for customized service, Shotwell said, according to SpaceNews.

One of those potential customers may be the U.S. military."


Willow said...

Creating the 5G-Driven Surveillance State

"Starlink, the satellite-based internet service from SpaceX, is set to revolutionize remote surveillance and security. With the ability to provide high-speed internet access to virtually any location on the planet, Starlink can enable organizations to monitor and protect their assets in even the most remote locations...

Finally, Starlink could be used to monitor remote areas for security threats. With its global coverage, Starlink could be used to detect and track suspicious activity in remote areas. This could be especially useful for governments and security agencies that need to monitor large areas for potential threats...

This is because the service can be used to monitor and detect suspicious activity, allowing authorities to respond quickly to any potential threats."


Willow said...

5G radiation is UNTESTED for long-term human exposure. These are some of the early case studies showing people getting ill around 5G antennae.

Seven case studies show that 5G is a health danger - https://radiationprotection.se/5g/seven-case-studies-show-that-5g-is-a-health-danger/