Tuesday, May 18, 2021

French Court Rejects Landmark Agent Orange Court Case - Plaintiff Says She Will Appeal

Unfortunately, a French court has just rejected a landmark lawsuit against Bayer-Monsanto on behalf of Agent Orange victims. 

The 79-year-old plaintiff, Tran To Nga, and her offspring have had lifelong health problems caused by her Agent Orange exposure. This is a common story for both the Vietnamese people who were exposed and for U.S. soldiers who served in the war against Vietnam. The effects of the chemical continue through the genetic lines.

Agent Orange was a toxic defoliant sprayed on the trees in Vietnam during the war so they could not be used to provide cover. Multiple corporations produced the chemical, including Monsanto.  

Both Bayer and Monsanto, now merged into one of the unholiest corporate unions in existence, must be held fully accountable for their horrific crimes against humanity, animals, and the environment. Keep the lawsuits coming.

Related article: Uranus in Taurus and More Unexpected Economic Justice for Bayer-Monsanto - or Is It So Unexpected After All?


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the experimental "vaccines"- which are not but are in fact bio weapons- are killing and maiming thousands while govts and media continue to lie and push them onto the public .
Worst thing of all, it now appears that unvaccinated people are in danger from those who've had the shot due to "shedding" as confirmed in Pfizer document.
Read about it here http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=234158
Nurse warns to stay away from those vaccinated https://www.bitchute.com/video/maE077DlFlgA/
So many different links I could post.

The depopulation agenda is in full swing.

Willow said...

Yes, it's horrific.

10,000 deaths reported in 4 months in just the U.S. and U.K. alone, along with 400,000 injuries. That will most likely represent between 1% and 10% of the actual injuries and deaths.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is true that only a minuscule percentage are being reported so the actual figure is far higher!

By the way I wonder if you have written material on natal Saturn-Pluto square?
Am extremely interested to read your take on it if you have..

Willow said...

No, I don't. I don't generally write much about natal astrology on the blog.

Willow said...

Pro-Vaccine "Fact Checkers" on Facebook are Funded by an Organization That Holds $1.8 Billion in Johnson&Johnson Stock and is Run By a Former CDC Director

Facebook's pro-vaccine "Fact Checkers" (factcheck[dot]org) are funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which owns almost $2 billion in Johnson&Johnson stock. The CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is Richard Besser, a former director for the Center for Disease Control.


Willow said...

I've been collecting information about the gene therapy shot, masking, and other subjects at the Natural Health and Folk Healing guild at Ruqqus:


Willow said...

Three More Conditions Linked to Agent Orange Exposure Covered by U.S. Veterans Affairs Health Benefits


"The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced three new illnesses that it considers to be related to Agent Orange exposure. The decision is expected to provide additional health benefits to approximately 50,000 veterans and their survivors whose claims were previously denied.

Past cases involving claims of service-related bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinson’s-like symptoms will be automatically reviewed and could provide recipients up to thousands of dollars a month. Other related claims will be processed “soon,” the department said in a statement."

Sofia said...

The governments complicity is when courts rejects jurisdiction over the subject matter is the new legal shield to protect the governments interest in corrupt corporations Monsanto is part of Haliburton and merged with Bayer so the plaintiff may have a batter case In Belgium rather then France because Belgium is the capitol of the EU the plaintiff should hire an attorney in the USA to obtain illicit documents involving agent orange because under the freedom of information act there are thousands of pages of exibits how chemical giant Dupont and Dow has been avoiding liability inside the USA now for decades since Haliburton is directly connected to former vice president Dick Cheney the USA can be sued directly if the plaintiff upon presenting evidence to US authorities is actually can ask for permission to sue them for civil liability.