Friday, May 22, 2020

A Ban 5G Meme Blitz for the New Moon in Gemini

Today's New Moon at 2 degrees Gemini indicates a 28-day lunar cycle with a focus on communication and the circulation of information.

This New Moon officially opens a new navigational focus, as the North Node of the Moon entered Gemini and the South Node of the Moon entered Sagittarius on May 5, where they will remain until January 18, 2022. We're adjusting to new coordinates for our soul-level GPS systems, and this Gemini New Moon indicates that we're launching out on a new track.

With a Gemini North Node, now fully activated by the New Moon, effective communication involves the circulation of "sound byte" information that is quick, light, and easily absorbed.

This is not to say that the subjects we're dealing with are light or easy - far from it in many cases. 

With the South Node of the Moon on the inky-potent 29th or anaretic degree of Sagittarius until July 9, we're drawing on dense, rich, and often complex bodies of knowledge and wisdom, but so as not to become overwhelmed with the weight of it all, we're circulating lighter pieces of information that represent much deeper knowledge or truth.

One of the ways we can do this is with memes. Now, meme culture has certainly dumbed down the discourse in many ways. That can't be denied. Most memes are quite superficial or even straight-up mental garbage. (Astrology memes, I'm looking your way...) We've gotten to the point where fewer and fewer people will look into a subject any deeper than meme level. However, we can also use this meme culture to circulate deeper and more meaningful ideas in the collective discourse.

Winged messenger Mercury is the dispositor of this Gemini New Moon, and it is in very potent position as we enter the lunar cycle. Mercury formed a conjunction to Venus Rx at 20 degrees Gemini early this morning, and both bodies are in exact square aspect to Neptune in Pisces.

The 2-degree Gemini New Moon (exact at 10:39 a.m. today) also fell in a square aspect to Mars in Pisces.

These aspects indicate that "sound bytes" of information, including memes, can have a subtle yet immersive effect in the collective psyche. We can disperse deeper knowledge and more serious information via these light and easy-breezy Gemini channels. In this way, we can get this very serious (I would suggest emergency) situation onto the public radar, hopefully spurring awareness, action, and resistance.

This is a Ban 5G Worldwide Meme Blitz from May 22 to June 20 (Gemini season). If the 5G rollout is an issue that concerns you, please share these memes on your social media, or make and distribute your own.

More memes after the page break...

From May 18, 2020: "Channeling Pallas Athene as we Thwart the Advancement of the Technocratic State

From March 21, 2020: "Saturn enters Aquarius: Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Protection and Frequency Healing" 

From March 14, 2020:  "Major Aquarius Ingresses 2020 - 2023: Resisting 5G Technology, Energy Weapons, and the Creation of Digitized Dystopian Hell"

Ban 5G Worldwide! Action Group at MeWe

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1 comment:

Willow said...

5G radiation is UNTESTED for long-term human exposure. These are some of the early case studies showing people getting ill around 5G antennae.

Seven case studies show that 5G is a health danger -