Thursday, March 12, 2020

Mercury Creaks Forward in Late Aquarius

Communication and intelligence planet Mercury is just starting to creak forward, coming out of a powerful direct station at 28 degrees Aquarius on March 9. This indicates that information flow is slowly starting to move forward again. Our minds are a bit over-taxed at the moment, struggling to focus on what's ahead - or even on the task right in front of us. A mental/informational review process is now over, and we're starting to apply the information and perspective we've gathered as we look to the future (Aquarius).

A few interesting things were happening astrologically around this Mercury direct station:

The Sun formed a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces (18 degrees) on March 8, indicating the presence of an unseen hand directing the proceedings, as well as a focus on "the invisible" or on people or subjects being intentionally kept invisible. (Contagion and permeation are also Pisces themes, and we have certainly had an extensive collective focus on those things recently...)

Venus (relationships, society, arts) formed a conjunction to Uranus (community, radical, status quo-shaker) at 4 degrees Taurus, also on March 8, indicating a bit of a creative or social shake-up related to differing values (Taurus). (Not to mention money market turbulence as a result of you know what.)

We also experienced a Virgo Full Moon on March 9 (19 degrees), opposite the Sun, Neptune, and Black Moon Lilith in Pisces. The opposition to Black Moon Lilith (the point of lunar apogee) meant that this Full Moon was at perigee - the closest it comes to Earth in its orbit. That made the Full Moon appear larger and even more beautiful than usual. This, combined with an opposition to Neptune in Pisces, meant that Full Moon emotions and sensitivities were running particularly high.

(Yes, the term SuperMoon has caught on for a Full Moon at perigee, but I find that term a little gimmicky.)

The dispositor of the Virgo Full Moon was Mercury, stationing direct on that same day, March 9, in late Aquarius, and this made communications and connections around that time particularly potent. I talked about that in the February 12 article, "Mercury Retrograde in Pisces: Mental Spaciness and Chaos Firmly Anchored By Some Earthy Assistance."

As all this was unfolding astrologically, I was censored at one message board site on a subject that is being intentionally kept invisible (dangers of Fukushima fallout), attempted to expose that censorship, was banned, found an anti-censorship alternative, and set up shop there. I'm surprised there wasn't smoke coming off my keyboard during those few days, to be honest!

After being censored (and then banned) at the Fukushima subreddit on the popular message board site Reddit (which, incidentally, is soon to be making its Initial Public Offering - no coincidence), I found an anti-censorship alternative called Ruqqus (ruckus).

So far, Ruqqus has been a pretty chill place to post (although, I've gotten a little bit of pro-nuclear and also anti-astrology flak). The good thing about a start-up site like this is that it's still relatively small, so posts and comments are still being seen by people who wouldn't ordinarily come into contact with them. They aren't being lost in a massive sea of constantly-churning (and heavily-censored) information like they are on huge sites like Reddit. I, personally, prefer a bit of a smaller and more niche experience, but to each his/her/their own. 

I can't say what will happen with this site moving forward (I believe it was started in August 2019 by two engineers who also have day jobs, and it's being sustained by donations and their own "pocket change"), but if anyone is looking for a new public board or online meeting place, check out Ruqqus. 

[Editor's note: I would no longer recommend Ruqqus due to the fact that it seems to be over-run with angry young males. I've experienced intense trolling there. It's also extremely glitchy and only semi-functional. That said, it is a decent place to collect and store information, and I still have some groups there for those purposes. Stop 5G Global and Fukushima]

I've also started a more private Ban 5G Worldwide! Action Group at MeWe for organizing actions and sharing information.

With Mercury currently creaking forward in late Aquarius, there is a focus on community and particularly the intersection points between online community and local society. 

Mercury in Aquarius is disposited by Uranus in Taurus (conjunct Venus), and there's also a strong focus on building toward a vision of the future that aligns with your own personal values, while also taking part in broader groups or communities that share key values and elements of that vision.

As a journalist, writer, astrologer, and creative performer who has had a long history of being censored in both mainstream and alternative outlets, I think a message board site that is expressly anti-censorship while also allowing people to set up groups according to their own specific parameters and values is a very needed thing in this world.

The astrology up ahead also seems to indicate a resurgence or "glory period" for grassroots message boards, communication, and DIY media, as well as the types of person-to-person connections these things can foster. 

The North Node of the Moon will move into Mercury-ruled Gemini (communication, information, media, society) on May 5, 2020 for a transit that lasts until January 18, 2022. At the same time, the transiting South Node of the Moon will be in Sagittarius. 

This suggests that sharing bodies of truth and knowledge (Sagittarius) is most successfully done through lighter and quicker connections, offering information in substantial yet mentally-digestible units (Gemini). It is by making interpersonal connections and conversation (Gemini) and lightening up a bit that we are able to most successfully share or teach what we know (Sagittarius).

The North Node transit of Gemini/South Node transit of Sagittarius (May 5, 2020 to January 18, 2022) indicates a period of time when things like people-driven communication outlets, online message boards, bulletin boards, comments sections, do-it-yourself media and publishing, local commerce and markets, and the intersections between online and local communities are all fruitful avenues.

As an aside: after about two years of searching, I recently found a place that is interested in the possibility of establishing a zine library. It's an artist-run centre in this area, and I'm excited to see what the spring will bring on this front. Zines are also in line with a Gemini North Node.

The North Node moving into Gemini will coincide with a Venus retrograde in Gemini (May 13 to June 24 from 21 degrees to 5 degrees Gemini), indicating further "social blessings and beneficial connections" along these lines. 

Venus will be in busy bee Gemini from April 3 to August 7, 2020, and it will form a series of three square aspects to Neptune in Pisces: May 3, May 20, and July 27. These Venus in Gemini squares to Neptune in Pisces indicate a bit of a struggle to get "invisible subjects" and "invisible perspectives" into the public discourse, but they also indicate the presence of an invisible hand helping us with this task. Some might call it divine or otherworldly assistance; others might call it serendipity or coincidence.

The Venus in Gemini-Neptune in Pisces squares will extend the themes of the recent Mercury retrograde in Pisces (February 16 - March 9).

"[This] indicates a time when those who've gone before us, those in the spirit realms, are communicating with us more intensively than usual, providing information and perspective that will assist in the material navigation of this planet. Psychic communication among those still in earthly form is heightened, as well. We're "tapped in" to a greater degree now, and it becomes easier to pick up on subtle levels of communication. Information is flowing to us mysteriously, magically. A beneficial perspective shift is possible that we've been waiting for and working toward for a long while now.

[This] is a symbol of communication that spans time and space, worldly and otherworldly. It's an indicator that the communication-related veils are thin, and we can receive (or provide) messages or insights that connect the dots and bring things together in important ways. There's a strong healing element to communication, information, and perspective, and these elements work quite mysteriously, almost of their own volition."

Mercury (now direct) will re-enter Pisces on March 15, and communication takes on a very mysterious (even surreal) flow yet again. Some of the same etheric threads are being plucked as Mercury goes direct over the mental, communicative, and connections-oriented territory of the retrograde. We may come into contact with people or needed information in mysterious ways, or we may become aware of an invisible web or "psychic glue" that connects us.

As mentioned in the main Mercury retrograde article linked above, we may be going back over the etheric wake of previous conversations or exchanges of words that are still lingering in the psychic air. Any thoughts, verbal/written exchanges, or connections that are still haunting us or creating a psychic disturbance of some kind could be re-visited, except this time, with Mercury now direct and in the process of clearing the retrograde shadow, we are looking for resolution on these points. We're releasing some old ghosts from our mental and psychic environments, coming into new and healing perspective on things - even on things that have haunted or bothered us for a long while now.

Mercury leaves the retrograde shadow on March 29, and we start to sense a bit of a shift, a bit of a mental and psychic clearing. This clearing picks up substantial speed as Mercury enters initiator sign Aries on April 10.

As Mercury now moves through the latest part of Aquarius, disposited by Uranus in Taurus, the building of online community is a theme.

1 comment:

Willow said...

I just got a really nice comment and compliment after posting this article at ruqqus that I would like to share. (I hope the commenter doesn't mind.)

"Your linked article has to be the best Astrology article I have ever read - free of the usual emotional double-speak babble and instead providing prediction based on physical, verifiable, phenomena.

A must-read, even for the skeptical. Thank you."