Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy 2016!

Photos: Willow

Well, 2016 is off to a bit of a creaking start under the Mercury retrograde station. It's always a little difficult to get back into the swing of things after holidays, and the communication/information/connection planet standing still in the zodiac is not helping this cause all that much.

Mercury standing nearly still on the first degree of Aquarius, like it is now, does set our sights on the future. It just doesn't let us jump too far ahead. As Mercury changes direction in early Aquarius (the retrograde station was January 5), our focus is held on the earliest phases of the blueprints that take us through this year and closer to a future vision for our lives, for our communities, and for this planet that we'd actually like to live through and experience...

There are some practical and gravity-laden challenges associated with getting to that future vision, however. (The current state of toxic, illegitimate, injurious, and deadly power structures on the planet would be a major one). The rest of Mercury's retrograde period will bring us into contact with some of these challenges.

The way things are being done by the establishment does not make logical sense to anyone with a fully functioning heart and soul.

This is hard on a brain. It's hard on a heart. It's hard on the emotions. Accepting the reality of this is one of the requirements now, one of the ways we succeed during Mercury's retrograde period.

As Venus (values) forms a conjunction to Saturn (establishment/structure/patriarchy) in Sagittarius on January 8, influencing Mercury as it slides back into late Capricorn, we're cementing our own value systems and guiding philosophies as the over-arching righteous force in our lives. We're cementing love as the over-arching righteous force in our lives. Love is the deepest and wisest and most enduring sage. Committing to love and to the loving path (Venus), no matter what, positions us for long-term success (Saturn) now, while also helping us to overcome any fears that may be holding us back in this new year.

Fear is no match for love.

Fear is no match for the love that rings through every cell of your body, radiating from its Central Sun, from the centre of the galaxy that is you.

Under this Venus-Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius, we're committing to the righteousness of what's in our hearts, and in a system intentionally designed to disconnect us at the heart, that alone is a radical act.

We may also be confronted by the values of the current establishment (both what is declared and what is displayed in practise), forced to reject whatever proves false or illegitimate to us.

We're wrapping our minds around all this during the Mercury retrograde (January 5 - 25), extricating our own brains and logical processes from the systems and structures that have run us off a cliff.

We're protecting our own mental health and the mental health of our loved ones from systems and structures intentionally designed to entrap, poison, manipulate, divert, distract, and control.

Mercury will now backtrack to a conjunction to Lord of the Underworld Pluto in Capricorn where it will station direct January 25, still within tight conjunction. This creates an extended, slow-burn Mercury-Pluto conjunction that is strongly in effect during the last 10 days of January, with exact aspects January 22 and January 29.

The protection of our mental space over the next weeks could require the elimination of certain media, contacts, information sources, thought patterns, or communication. It could also force some uncomfortable but necessary interactions as buried feelings, grudges, and resentments come spinning off and up to conscious awareness. A clearing of the air that leaves everything lighter and fresher, like the aftermath of an intense thunderstorm.

Mercury-Pluto contacts are transformative, bringing us to empowering points of steely-eyed clarity. Remember the Plutonic method behind the madness when things get tough. 

Mercury in Capricorn will also fuel itself up via dynamic squares to Uranus in Aries, exact January 20 and January 31. We can expect some charged insights about the way forward as our brains process the energized and erratic impulses of Uranus. Ruminate on your forward-ho vision around these dates. Ruminate on how that vision fits into the collective scene. And allow space for lightning-bolt insights and realizations that change everything. 

(More astro analysis of this Mercury retrograde can be found in this patron article: Mercury in Capricorn Triggers the Uranus-Pluto Square Just as it Enters the Retrograde Shadow)

It may seem that "the way things are" is stepping on our vision and plans in a big way. But the clusterfuck of hell that is the current establishment power structure (trickling down to workplaces, family structures, and personal relationships) is actually giving us the fuel, the motivation, the smarts, and the propulsion to go all the way with it.

We can go a different way - a way that feels better, a way that feels loving, a way that feels right. But we have to know exactly what we're dealing with, exactly where we're starting from, in order to make the right moves.

Our minds are heading back into hell, to a certain extent, as we move into 2016. Our minds are (temporarily) locked on this hell that we must work through, this hell that is really and truly going on on this beautiful planet, this hell that is intentionally being brought down on us, on our loved ones, and on all the precious life on this planet.

Our minds are going back into that clusterfuck (temporarily) so we can understand it from all angles, so we can gain full mental possession, so we aren't scared.

So we aren't too scared to do what we need to do. 

We're mentally working our way out of the last tendrils of manipulation and maya and mindfuckery. How refreshing. How empowering.

And Pluto is all about empowerment, when it comes right down to it. Pluto shows us the dark and dirty so we don't waste our precious time as dupes, as less effective that we truly are or could be.

Mercury re-enters hard-nosed, all-business Capricorn on January 8 just as Venus conjoins Saturn in Sagittarius. (Mercury will re-enter Aquarius on February 13, crossing out of the retrograde shadow just in time for Juno Day on February 14.)

Immediately following Mercury Rx's re-entry into Capricorn on January 8, we experience a Capricorn New Moon at 19 degrees (February 9 at 7:30 p.m. CST), and we really don't have much time for lollygagging at that point. The holiday's officially over coming out of that Capricorn New Moon, and we need to get back to being large and in charge of things in order to feel good about ourselves and our progress.

Until then, slide back into the working grind gradually, allowing plenty of slack-cutting for your fine selves...

Happy 2016, WWA readers! I'm very happy to be your anarchist astro-reporter again this year, pulling news and views out of the cosmos for your navigational assistance. Keep making this planet great!

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