Friday, November 2, 2012

A Uranus-Pluto Square Reality Check Brought to By Your Friendly Plutonic Punk Astrologer

The levels of "shock and awe" emanating from the events timed to and associated with the Uranus in Aries - Pluto in Capricorn squares (2012-2015) correlate directly to how much credence and faith an individual put in the establishment structure of things to begin with.

If you've always understood there was something seriously wrong - like, abomination wrong -  with "the way things are," you're not going to be all that surprised by the events unfolding over the next years on this planet.

You also more than likely weren't surprised by anything that has gone on since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, when predatory mortgages and derivatives schemes were timed to collapse the United States economy and loot the public purse, creating a massive transfer of wealth from the people to the rich.

Or when the One European Currency experiment started going south.

If you understood the violent and inhumane nature of the money systems ahead of time, none of the shenanigans going on now is much of a surprise. This is a timed, intentional collapse, creating chaos so that the next steps toward maintaining control can be put in place. The new organizational schemes are not all that different from the old.

If you've been aware for a while now (since birth?) that things could not possibly continue under such levels of deception, denial, corruption, greed, exploitation, and destruction, it's not going to rock your world all that much when things prove fatally dysfunctional.

What's probably going to surprise you is that it's held up this long. And that people continue to put their energy into propping up the rotting, stinking schemes rather than re-working and fortifying real, necessary infrastructures.

If you've been following along with some of the 60+ posts related to Pluto in Capricorn on this blog, you're aware of the situation.

Right now, many people are breathlessly striving to make gains within corrupt and destructive stock market systems that mostly buy and sell shady financial contracts rather than anything real. People working and living in the primary industries, with real products and services, are considered suckers, dupes, the unfortunate souls who couldn't figure out the easy scam.

Financial astrologers are huge during Pluto's transit of Capricorn. "Figure out how to make a killing in the corrupt stock markets using astrology! Learn occult tricks of the trade that give you that inside edge! Make millions in blood money using the stars!"


Understand that with Pluto, there's a trajectory toward maintaining corrupt power structures that is often much more popular and lucrative than the trajectory toward legitimacy, transparency, and necessary change.

If you haven't had financial security in the past, life is not going to be all that much different for you. Though you will be dealing with more extreme scenarios, you'll actually have a major leg up emotionally, psychologically, and along survival lines on the majority who continued to believe in Market Gods and invisible hands guiding them to neverending prosperity right up to the end.

There's a lot of talk about "all hell breaking loose" over the next few years on the planet.

But for most of the poor and working classes, hell has never not been breaking loose. Hell is something they're pretty used to, at this point. It's just that once it starts touching the middle and upper-middle classes, it starts to be considered a "real" problem, especially through media channels.

"The economy" was already shit, work was already hellish and exploitative, un- and under-employment were already rampant for many, many people before Pluto entered Capricorn and the predatory mortgages started kicking off like dominoes in 2008.

The majority didn't have the luxury of meaningful work before Pluto entered Capricorn, and the corporate steamrolling of small and independent businesses since the ingress has made things that much worse. Looking to corporations to provide meaningful, life-and-society-sustaining employment, as is the Pluto in Capricorn credo, is an absolute joke at this point.

For these reasons, I don't see the cardinal Grand Crosses of 2013 and 2014 as being that much of a switch for a certain percentage of the population. We're moving into a very pressurized, highly acute year from May 2013 to May 2014 when the uncertainty and tension will, at times, be unbearable. Structural frameworks will come unhinged in grand fashion. There will be violence, uprising, weather-related disasters. The circumstances people find themselves in will be highly challenging. Action will be required. New and unexpected directions will necessarily be taken. We will be moving en masse in relation to upheaval and manufactured chaos on both global and societal levels. But what else is new? Seriously, what could surprise at this point? Not even the end of the world.

The people who will experience the most "shock and awe" will be those who have been insulated financially from the real problems on this planet. The people who have been "successful" in the current systems, who have been playing along with the make believe. 

There is a strong element of self-fulfilling prophesy going on right now, a strong element of occult-assisted planning, and a strong element of manipulation, including of weather.

The "sky is falling" types will be able to pat themselves on their backs when they perceive things as going to hell over the next few years.

But people like me, and like many who read this site, know we were already there long ago.

Those who engineer pyramid scheme structural realities on this planet are going to be banking on: shock, confusion, disbelief, emotional catatonia, psychological distress, denial, chaos. Illusions shattering and people being paralyzed under the realizations they're having.

These are the malleable public reactions, the ones that can be shaped like warm Plasticine, the emotional and psychological states that will ensure people follow blindly into the next **new and improved** hierarchical set-up.

The reactions of those who are already aware are not this. They're calm, unsurprised, practical, fairly unruffled. They're not easily manipulated. This is where we need to be over the next three years.

Understand that we have just entered a three-year span, Saturn's transit of Scorpio, when crisis energy will be highly manipulated. Fear and emotional and psychological shock will be used like weapons.

If you haven't already, slowly, gradually become aware of the broader context so that you do not get caught up in the manipulated chaos and emotional and psychological breakdown associated with Saturn in Scorpio in mutual reception to Pluto in Capricorn.

Understand what other people will be dealing with so you can help lead them through.

We're all going to need a little assistance at times.


Anon from before said...

"But for most of the poor and working classes, hell has never not been breaking loose. Hell is something they're pretty used to, at this point. It's just that once it starts touching the middle and upper-middle classes, it starts to be considered a "real" problem, especially through media channels.

"The economy" was already shit, work was already hellish and exploitative, un- and under-employment were already rampant for many..."

THIS! I can recall where people were all agahst at the companies here who stated that if Obama wins they will not hire any full time workers and cut back on hours so that former full time workers are now part time.

I was laughing my butt off! I was like -where the hell have you people been employers have been doing this for at least a decade I am aware. I have had full time jobs where I could only get 28-30 hours a week. Which means no health care. I have been worked off the clock. I have seen others worked off the clock. I have had jobs where I couldn't go to the bathroom for over 12 hours. I have had jobs where I couldn't eat the entire shift...

I could go on and on...

Willow said...

Yeah, it's miserable.

Rowsella said...

I remember hoping when Clinton was elected that things would change.. (hey, I was young and reeling from the Reagan years). I could not believe what he signed on to after elected. We lived hand to mouth pretty much during that time when things were supposedly so "good." But I seriously became overwhelmed with "The Machine" in 2002, I just could not articulate it but I searched hi and low for alternatives, how to opt out. I was working as an RN in oncology at the time which is pretty ironic when you think about it.