The Scorpy types. The Plutonics. We're a little cliched in astrology circles simply because there has been so much written, discussed, and hashed over on these subjects. But really, there's a reason for the cliches and the time spent analyzing. Without astrology and a semblance of an understanding of the processes and cycles Plutonics go through, how would we even survive? Even with astrology, it seems touch-and-go at times.
And this is not to be depressing, negative, or pessimistic, all you non-Plutonics out there. It's just reality. If you don't go through these processes, if you don't live them on a regular, sometimes daily, basis, I don't think you could understand it. I know the same can be said for a lot of situations and conditions people live through - you don't understand it until you live it. I understand we all have our difficulties to bear, and I know there are other planets, dwarf or otherwise, that bring their own forms of misery. Saturn and Neptune both create almost impossibly difficult circumstances of their own at times, as do many others.
There's a difference between a Pluto transit to one of your natal planets or a transiting planet in Scorpio touching off a Plutonic hell-ride and having a natal Sun, Moon, or stellium in Scorpio or a tight natal aspect to Pluto. I know the transits are unbelievably harsh at times, but they will pass. Your natal chart won't.
And so Plutonic types have some thorny dilemmas to chew over and work out:
How to create successful and soul-satisfying relationships with non-Plutonic people. How to keep your shit to yourself, your unending processing to yourself, but at the same time find the day-to-day love, sharing, acceptance, mutuality, and intimacy desired within a real relationship. Because Plutonic types need that. If they don't have it, they'll stay out of relationships altogether.
How to keep from envying or resenting those who don't have to slog quite so heavily though the Plutonic muck. Those feelings are natural but could put an end to any kind of mutuality or equality that could exist.
And how to find the strength, energy, and courage to love the other person as they need to be loved while simultaneously going through all this craziness.
How to even believe you deserve another person's love and affection when you're at your most hell-tastic, exhausted, and repulsive, when your energetic being feels like a series of nuclear explosions going off, when the nuclear fallout is coursing through your system, removing layers of yourself that you really, actually thought you were going to need. Erupting volcanoes painfully twisting and morphing your elemental structure into something Pluto finds more pleasing, for as long as it deems necessary.
And when you're mourning those lost layers, those released selves, those versions of yourself that you really, actually liked. Those hoped-for versions of life and relationships and planetary conditions that you held, deeply-cherished, as secret in your heart. Because maybe if you kept them secret and very, very quiet and told no one but yourself, Pluto would leave those ones alone.
T'was not to be.